研究キーワード (9件):
, 芸能伝承論
, 折口信夫論
, 万葉挽歌の史的研究
, 万葉文化論
, 日本における民俗芸能の研究
, 日本古代文学研究
, Study of Folkloric Performing Arts
, Study of Japanese Old Literature in Nara Period
an answer to the present condition of studies on mang(]E87C7[)-sh(]E87CD[). Japanese Literature. 2000. 49. 1. 1
Many(]E87C7[) Kamunabi Studies : Ancient Ky(]E87C7[)to and the Uicissitudes of Kamunabi Beliefs. SANGAKU SHUGEN (Japanese Mountain Religion). 1995. 15. 13
After the Symposium - self-examination, subject, view. MINZOKU GEINO-KENKYU (Studies on Folkloric Performing Arts). 1994. 18