J-GLOBAL ID:200901004198144464
更新日: 2020年08月28日 張 小威
チョウ ショウイ | Zhang Xiaowei
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- JY Zhao, XW Zhang, M Ando. A high-temperature environmental chamber for nuclear-resonant Bragg scattering studies. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION. 1998. 5. 949-951
- Y Yoda, T Suzuki, XW Zhang, K Hirano, S Kikuta. X-ray parametric scattering by a diamond crystal. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION. 1998. 5. 980-982
- S Kikuta, Y Imai, T Iizuka, Y Yoda, XW Zhang, K Hirano. X-ray diffraction with a Bragg angle near pi/2 and its applications. JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION. 1998. 5. 670-672
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- Koichi Izumi, Yoshitaka Yoda, Tetsuya Ishikawa, Xiao&ndash, Wei Zhang, Masami Ando, Seishi Kikuta. "Time Domain Interferometry in X-ray Region Using Nuclear Resonant Scattering". Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 1995. 34. 8A. 4258-4263
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