J-GLOBAL ID:200901005924846887
更新日: 2024年12月18日 COOPER Malcolm j. m.
COOPER Malcolm j. m.
- Abhik Chakraborty, Malcolm Cooper, Shamik Chakraborty. Geosystems as a Framework for Geoconservation: the Case of Japan's Izu Peninsula Geopark. GEOHERITAGE. 2015. 7. 4. 351-363
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, Malcolm Cooper Le Quang Thai, William Claster, Kazem Vafadari, Phillip Pardo. Knowledge Transfer in the Tourism Industry: Implications of the use of social media in business analysis. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism. 2015. 13. 1. 1-19
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, Malcolm Cooper Le Quang Thai, William Claster, Kazem Vafadari, Phillip Pardo. Knowledge Transfer in the Tourism Industry: Implications of the use of social media in business analysis. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism. 2015. 13. 1. 1-19
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, A Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty. Geosystems as a Framework for Geoconservation: The case of Japan’s Izu Peninsula Geopark. Geoheritage. 2014. 7. 4. 351-363
- Kazem Vafadari, Malcolm Cooper. Celebrating and enhancing the tourism knowledge-based platform: A tribute to Jafar Jafari. Anatolia. 2014. 25. 2. 309-311
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, P. Pardo, W. Claster, M. Cooper. Tourism, Travel and Tweets: Algorithmic Text Analysis Methodologies in Tourism. Middle Eastern Journal of Management. 2013. 1. 1. 81-89
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, M. Cooper, P. Pardo, W. Claster, D. Steiner. The Impact of Technology Innovativeness on Four and Five Star Hotels in Switzerland. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 2013. 11. 1. 1-16
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, P. Pardo, W. Claster, M. Cooper. Tourism, Travel and Tweets: Algorithmic Text Analysis Methodologies in Tourism. Middle Eastern Journal of Management. 2013. 1. 1. 81-89
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, M. Cooper, P. Pardo, W. Claster, D. Steiner. The Impact of Technology Innovativeness on Four and Five Star Hotels in Switzerland. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 2013. 11. 1. 1-16
- Malcolm J. M. Cooper. DESTINATION MARKETING AND MANAGEMENT: Theories and Applications. ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH. 2012. 39. 3. 1755-1756
- COOPER Malcolm J. M. Destination Marketing and Management: Theories and Applications. Annals of Tourism Research. 2012. 39. 3. 1755-1756
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, M. Cooper, J. S. Eades. The Asia Pacific World: A Summary and an Agenda. Asia Pacific World. 2010. 1. 1. 1-22
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, M. Cooper, J. S. Eades. The Asia Pacific World: A Summary and an Agenda. Asia Pacific World. 2010. 1. 1. 1-22
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, Le Tuan Anh, Malcolm Cooper. Vietnam's Image as a Tourist Destination in Japan. Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. 2009. 25. March. 37-54
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, Cooper, M, Erfurt-Cooper, P. Beppu Reconstruction: A Domestic Hot Spring Destination in search of a 21st century Global Role. Geographical Sciences. 2009. 64. 3. 127-139
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, Le Tuan Anh, Malcolm Cooper. Vietnam's Image as a Tourist Destination in Japan. Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies. 2009. 25. March. 37-54
- クーパー マルコム, エアフルトクーパー パトリシア. 別府の再構築 : 21世紀における国内の温泉観光地のグローバルな役割を探る. 地理科学. 2009. 64. 3. 127-139
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, K. Vafadari, M. Cooper. Non-institutionalized Working Tourists in Japan: the case study of Iranians in Tokyo as a social phenomenon of the Early 1990s. International Journal of Tourism and Travel. 2008. 1. 7-12
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, Rajiv Dahal, M. Cooper. Tourism Development in Sagamatha (Mt. Everest) National Park: An Ecotourism Perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 2008. December. 31-60
- COOPER Malcolm J. M, K. Vafadari, M. Cooper. Non-institutionalized Working Tourists in Japan: the case study of Iranians in Tokyo as a social phenomenon of the Early 1990s. International Journal of Tourism and Travel. 2008. 1. 7-12