








J-GLOBAL ID:200901006819246986 更新日: 2024年12月29日

鳥居 肇

トリイ ハジメ | Torii Hajime

講演・口頭発表等 (26件)

  • 電子密度を参照することによる分子間相互作用と分子振動モード特性の解析
    (第17回分子科学討論会 2023)
  • Roles of electrostatics and intermolecular electronic motions in the structural and spectroscopic features of hydrogen- and halogen-bonded systems
    (38th International Conference on Solution Chemistry (38ICSC) 2023)
  • What electron densities and their changes tell us about intermolecular interactions
    (Quantum Science Symposium, in the 17th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2021) 2021)
  • Vibrational spectroscopy empowered by theoretical analysis: The principles and a few example cases
    (10th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-10) 2019)
  • Electrostatics and intermolecular electronic motions determining the vibrational spectroscopic features of hydrogen-bonded systems
    (Telluride SRC Workshop on Vibrational Dynamics 2017)
  • New twist in the theories on the secondary structure dependence and hydration effect of the vibrational properties of peptides
    (Computational Chemistry Symposium, in the 12th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2016) 2016)
  • Out-of-plane hydration and conformation effects on the vibrational properties of the peptide group
    (The 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2015)
  • Simulations of the THz spectrum of liquid water incorporating the effects of intermolecular charge fluxes through hydrogen bonds
    (Computational Chemistry Symposium, in the 11th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ICCMSE 2015) 2015)
  • Theoretical Approach to the Intensity Generation Mechanisms of the Terahertz Spectrum of Liquid Water
    (5th International THz-Bio Workshop 2014)
  • The Role of Delocalized Electrons in Infrared and Terahertz Intensities of Hydrogen- and Halogen-Bonding Systems
    (5th JCS International Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry 2013)
  • 理論的アプローチによる凝縮相系の振動スペクトルへの理解の深化
    (分光イノベーション研究会第2回シンポジウム 2013)
  • Electron density modulations and the infrared intensities of some characteristic vibrational modes of the peptide group
    (7th International Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy (ICAVS-7) 2013)
  • The role of delocalized electronic motions in infrared and terahertz intensities and related properties
    (Telluride SRC Workshop on Vibrational Dynamics 2013)
  • Resonantly delocalized vibrational dynamics and intermolecular electronic motions induced by the OH stretching and molecular translation in liquid water
    (Workshop on Dynamics and Structure of Water: From Gas Phase Clusters to Condensed Phase 2011)
  • 液体の水における分子間の電子の動きとTHzスペクトル強度
    (日本分光学会テラヘルツ分光部会シンポジウム「テラヘルツ分光法の最先端V」〜バイオテラヘルツ分光〜 2011)
  • Spectroscopic phenomena arising from resonant intermolecular vibrational coupling and the related electronic motions
    (CECAM Workshop on Vibrational Spectroscopy of Complex Systems 2011)
  • Effects of halogen bonding, hydrogen bonding, and vibrational coupling on the linear and nonlinear vibrational spectra of the peptide group, water, and related systems
    (The 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies 2010)
  • Effects of halogen bonding, hydrogen bonding, and liquid dynamics on the vibrational modes and spectra of the peptide group
    (The Third International Symposium on Molecular Theory for Real Systems 2010)
  • Properties of Halogen Atoms for Representing Intermolecular Electrostatic Interactions Related to Halogen Bonding
    (International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2009)
  • Time-Domain Theoretical Calculations of One- and Two-Dimensional Vibrational Spectra: Method and Applications
    (The Fourth International Conference on Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy 2008)

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