J-GLOBAL ID:200901008291704300
更新日: 2024年06月12日 和田 龍彦
ワダ タツヒコ | Wada Tatsuhiko
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- Examination of Surgical Glove Perforation after Surgery Using a Highly Precise Electrical-Impedance Method. Japanese Journal of Medical Instrumentation. 2002. 72. 11. 615-619
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- Ambulatory measurment of human posture and it's application for daily activity assessment. J. Physical Medicine. 2001. 12. 4. 284-293
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- M Yamanaka, K Yasuda, H Tohyama, H Nakano, T Wada. The effect of cyclic displacement on the biomechanical characteristics of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. 1999. 27. 6. 772-777
- M Inoue, K Yasuda, M Yamanaka, T Wada, K Kaneda. Compensatory muscle activity in the posterior cruciate ligament-deficient knee during isokinetic knee motion. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE. 1998. 26. 5. 710-714
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