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J-GLOBAL ID:200901015584649840 更新日: 2024年01月31日

藤本 典裕

フジモト ノリヒロ | Fujimoto Norihiro

MISC (22件)

  • 藤本 典裕. お金がなければ学校にも行けない?--経済格差と教育格差 (特集 どうする? 高い教育費). 子どものしあわせ. 2006. 662. 26-29
  • Preparing and Grouping for "KAIGO-TOU-TAIKEN"-Critical Examination on the Experience of TOYO University-. International Journal of Teacher Education(The Japan Association of Private Universities for Teacher Education). 2003. No.16,51-61
  • Introduction to Educational Thinkings. Toyo. 2002. 39. 7. 32-41
  • 藤本 典裕. 大桃敏行著, 『教育行政の専門化と参加・選択の自由-19世紀後半米国連邦段階における教育改革論議-』, 風間書房, 2000年, 314頁(VIII BOOK REVIEW). 日本教育行政学会年報. 2001. 27. 273-276
  • Some Plans to Reform Local Educational Administration in the Era of Post World War. The Bulletin of Toyo University(Education Course, The Department of Literature). 2001. 54. 197-224
  • Preparatory Study on Teacher Adoption in Private Schools. The Bulletin of Toyo University(An Education Course, A Course for the Teaching Profession, The Deportment of Literature). 2000. 53. 199-217
  • 藤本 典裕. 坪井由実著『アメリカ都市教育委員会制度の改革』 (地方自治と教育政策) -- (書評・図書紹介). 日本教育政策学会年報. 1999. 6. 210-213
  • On "Professionality" in American School Board. The Bulletin of Toyo University(An Education Course A Course for the Teaching Profession The Department of Literature). 1999. 52. 201-223
  • Education Reform and Children and Schools. School Management for Children. 1998. 63. 2-11
  • Child Labor and "Right to Education" (2). Toyo. 1998. 35. 9. 25-36
  • Child Labor and "Right to Education"(1). Toyo. 1998. 35. 6
  • On the Reform Movement of Teacher Training. Toyo. 1998. 35. 3. 26-37
  • "Missing Link"in Study on Board of Education. The Bulletin of Toyo University(An Education Course A Course for the Teaching Profession, The Depertment of Literature). 1998. 51. 157-179
  • 藤本 典裕. 政府・文部省・諸団体の政策動向(VI 内外の教育政策動向(1996年)). 日本教育政策学会年報. 1997. 4. 218-222
  • On the Reform Movement of Teacher Adoption. Toyo. 1997. 34. 11. 23-33
  • 藤本 典裕. アメリカ教育委員会の「教育長専決体制」への史的転換--クリ-ヴランド・プランに注目して. 日本教育政策学会年報. 1996. 3. 238-255
  • 'Diversification' and 'Standardization' of Teacher Image in Teacher Selection. Bulletin of Educational Administration Course, Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo. 1994. 13
  • 'Layman-ship' and 'Professional-ship' in School Board. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo. 1992. 31
  • Extension of School and 'Special Pupils'. Bulletin of Educational Administration Course, Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo. 1992. 12
  • Development of Education Grant Policy of Federal Government of the U. S. Bulletin of Educational Administration Course, Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo. 1988. 7

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