Junko Ishikawa, Masaki Okamura, Yumiko Arai-Sanoh, Koji Baba, Manami Furuya, Hideo Maeda, Motohiko Kondo. Close relationship between potassium accumulation in internodes and translocation of non-structural carbohydrate to grains in rice cultivars with different yields. FIELD CROPS RESEARCH. 2023. 300
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Shota Fukuda, Kentaro Koba, Masaki Okamura, Yuichi Watanabe, Jun Hosoi, Koji Nakagomi, Hideo Maeda, Motohiko Kondo, Daisuke Sugiura. Novel technique for non-destructive LAI estimation by continuous measurement of NIR and PAR in rice canopy. Field Crops Research. 2021. 263
黒木 慎, 山口 誠之, 石井 卓朗, 小林 伸哉, 平林 秀介, 竹内 善信, 後藤 明俊, 春原 嘉弘, 加藤 浩, 佐藤 宏之, et al. 麦あと晩植栽培に適した早生・良食味の水稲新品種「ほしみのり」の育成. 農研機構研究報告 = Journal of the NARO Research and Development. 2021. 6. 21-29