Hiroshi Fukui, Akira Yoneda, Seiji Kamada, Hiroshi Uchiyama, Naohisa Hirao, Alfred Q. R. Baron. Single crystal elasticity and equation of state of tantalum up to 54 GPa. Journal of Applied Physics. 2022. 132. 5. 055902-055902
Longjian Xie, Akira Yoneda, Tomoo Katsura, Denis Andrault, Yoshinori Tange, Yuji Higo. Direct Viscosity Measurement of Peridotite Melt to Lower-Mantle Conditions: A Further Support for a Fractional Magma-Ocean Solidification at the Top of the Lower Mantle. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 2021. 48. 19
Yuuki Hagiwara, Kenta Yoshida, Akira Yoneda, Junji Torimoto, Junji Yamamoto. Experimental variable effects on laser heating of inclusions during Raman spectroscopic analysis. Chemical Geology. 2021. 559. 119928-119928
Longjian Xie, Akira Yoneda, Zhaodong Liu, Keisuke Nishida, Tomoo Katsura. Boron-doped diamond synthesized by chemical vapor deposition as a heating element in a multi-anvil apparatus. High Pressure Research. 2020. 40. 3. 369-378
Velocity measurement of aqueous solution under high pressure and high-pressure ice by GHz-DAC velocity measurement method
(Japan geoscience union 2024)
GHz-DAC ultrasonics to investigate elasticity of the lower mantle constituents: Results of ferropericlase at 33 GPa
(Japan geoscience union 2024)