J-GLOBAL ID:200901020488012761
更新日: 2022年09月12日 山本 由喜子
ヤマモト ユキコ | Yamamoto Yukiko
- 康 薔薇, 酒井 陽子, 吉田 由美, 山本 由喜子. ラットにおけるカルシウム吸収と骨塩量に及ぼすペクチンおよびプルラン投与の影響. 生活衛生. 2003. 47. 2. 95-100
- 山本 由喜子, 柴尾 知志和, 田中 順子. 女子学生の骨量に与える身体状況及び食物摂取状況の影響. 日本食生活学会誌. 2003. 14. 1. 49-55
- 山本 由喜子, 中川 佳子, 森川 和浩, 廣瀬 香苗. アガロペクチンによる血中コレステロール上昇抑制効果. 日本栄養・食糧学会誌. 2002. 55. 3. 143-147
- 薮添 朋子, 山本 由喜子, 灘井 城, 藤原 政嘉, 中村 志郎, 松本 誉之. 間欠的完全経腸栄養療法導入時におけるクローン病患者の食事摂取状況. 栄養学雑誌. 2002. 60. 5. 231-237
- Yukiko YAMAMOTO, Ikuyo SOGAWA, Akiko NISHINA, Shigeru SAEKI, Naoki ICHIKAWA, Shiho IIBATA. Improved hypolipidemic effects of Xanthan gum-Galactomannan mixture in rats. Biosci.Biotech.Biochem. 2000. 64. 10. 2165-2171
- 山本 由喜子, 中林 美希. デンプン溶液の味覚強度(塩味・甘味)におよぼす粘度の影響. 日本調理科学会誌. 1999. 32. 4. 334-337
- Regulation of nutrition intake in STZ induced diabetic rats. 1999. 155
- Ostwald Ripening of Protein-Stabilized Emulsions : Effect of Transglutaminase Crosslinking(共著). Colloids and Surfaces B : Biointerfaces. 1999. 12. 3/6. 139-146
- Yukiko Yamamoto, Yuko Takahashi, Mitsuyoshi Kawano, Masaru Iizuka, Takashi Matsumoto, Shigeru Saeki, Hidemasa Yamaguchi. In vitro digestibility and fermentability of levan and its hypocholesterolemic effects in rats. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. 1999. 10. 1. 13-18
- Yukiko Yamamoto, Ai Kataoka, Machiko Kitora. Enhancing effect of β-lactoglobulin on the antioxidative activity of α-tocopherol in an emulsion of linoleic acid. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 1998. 62. 10. 1912-1916
- Effects of taste on the intake regulation of amino acids. 1998. 65
- Effects of oil phase and viscosity on taste(salt)intensity in O/W emulsions. 1998. 72. 311
- Yukiko YAMAMOTO, Megumi ARAKI. Effects of lecithin addition in oil or water phase on the stability of emulsions made with whey proteins(共著). Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 1997. 61. 11. 1791-1795
- Yukiko YAMAMOTO, Emiko KATO, Akiko ANDO. Increased Antioxidant Activity of Ovalbumin by Heat Treating in an Emulsion of Linoleic Acid(共著). Biosci. Biotech. Biochem. 1996. 60. 9. 1430-1433
- Viscoelastic Properties of Heat-Set Whey Protein-Stabilized Emulsion Gels with Added Lecithin(共著). J. Food Sci. 1996. 61. 4. 811-816
- Effect of Lecithin on the Viscoelastic Properties of β-Lactoglobulin-Stabilized Emulsion Gels(共著). Food Hydrocolloids. 1996. 10. 301
- Rheology of Milk Protein Gels and Protein-Stabilized Emulsion Gels Cross-Linked with Transglutaminase(共著). Abstracts of Food Colloids. 1996
- Rheology of heat-set emulsion gels containing β-lactoglobulin and small-molecule surfactants(共著). Netherlands Milk & Dairy Journal. 1996. 50. 199
- Effects of phosphatidylcholine on viscoelastic properties of heat-set β-lactoglobulin-stabilized emulsion gels(共著). Abstoracts of 8th international conferance and industrial exhibition on gums and stablizers. 1995. 77
- Antioxidant Activity of Egg Yolk(共著). Abstracts of Royal Society of Chemistry Food Chemistry Groupe Symposium,Antioxidants in Food. 1995