2003 - 2004 Field Effect Transistors and Ultraviolet Light Emitting Devices Based on ZnO
2003 - 2004 酸化亜鉛電界効果ドーピングと紫外発光素子
2002 - Optical Properties of Oxide Quantum Confinement Structures
2002 - 酸化物量子閉じ込め構造の創製と光物性についての研究
論文 (71件):
Kazuki Koreishi, Takuto Soma, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Akira Ohtomo. Epitaxial growth and band offsets of β-(ScxGa1-x)2O3 thin films grown on (100) β-Ga2O3 substrate. Applied Physics Letters. 2024. 125. 15
Takuto Soma, Kohei Yoshimatsu, Koji Horiba, Hiroshi Kumigashira, Akira Ohtomo. Two-dimensional superconductivity in single-band correlated 2H -type NbO2 layers. Physical Review B. 2022. 105. 10
Akira Ohtomo, Takuto Soma, Kohei Yoshimatsu. Electrochemical modulation of electronic states in strongly correlated transition-metal oxides. JSAP Review. 2022. 2022. 1. 220202-1-220202-8
Suguri Uchida, Takuto Soma, Miho Kitamura, HIroshi Kumigashira, Akira OHTOMO. Enhancement of transparency in epitaxially-grown p-type SnO films by surface-passivation treatment in a Na2S aqueous solution. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. 2022
Tatsuya Yajima, Takuto Soma, Kohei Yoshimatsu, Nobuyuki Kurita, Masari Watanabe, Akira Ohtomo. Heavy-fermion metallic state and Mott transition induced by Li-ion intercalation in LiV2O4 epitaxial films. Physical Review B. 2021. 104. 24
Shuhei Sekiguchi, Takuya Shiraishi, Kyota Miura, Chizuru Kawashima, Kohei Yoshimatsu, Akira Ohtomo, Hayato Kamioka, Hiroki Takahashi. High-pressure Study of Superconductivity in Ti4O7 Film. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2019. 88. 035001/1-2
A. Tsukazaki, A. Ohtomo, M. Kawasaki. Surface and interface engineering of ZnO based heterostructures fabricated by pulsed-laser deposition. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2014. 47. 3. 034003
S. Chakraverty, M. Saito, S. Tsukimoto, Y. Ikuhara, A. Ohtomo, M. Kawasaki. Magnetic properties of Sr2FeTaO6 double perovskite epitaxially grown by pulsed-laser deposition. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2011. 99. 22. 223101-223103
S. Chakraverty, A. Ohtomo, M. Kawasaki. Controlled B-site ordering in Sr2CrReO6 double perovskite films by using pulsed laser interval deposition. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 2010. 97. 24. 243107-243109
Optical and electrical properties of ZnO and related hetero-structures
Vietnam Academic Press Proceedings of the International Workshop on Photonics and Applications (Advances in Optics, Photonics, Spectroscopy & Applications V, edited by P. Brechignac, K. Hakuta, H. Lim, N.V. Hieu, N.D. Hung and V. A. Orlovich) 2009
Optical and electrical properties of ZnO and related hetero-structures
Vietnam Academic Press Proceedings of the International Workshop on Photonics and Applications (Advances in Optics, Photonics, Spectroscopy & Applications V, edited by P. Brechignac, K. Hakuta, H. Lim, N.V. Hieu, N.D. Hung and V. A. Orlovich) 2009
Epitaxial growth and transport properties of high-mobility ZnO-based heterostructures
Springer Advances in Materials Research 2008
Engineering of ZnO based quantum well structures towards a solid state lighting device
JFE 21st Century Foundation,Proceedings of Academic Research in 2007 founded by JFE 21st Century Foundation 2008
Epitaxial growth and transport properties of high-mobility ZnO-based heterostructures
Springer Advances in Materials Research 2008
2003 - Ando Incentive Prize for the Study of Electronics
2003 - Harada Incentive Prize
2001/03 - 手島記念研究賞(博士論文賞)
2001 - Tejima Memorial Science Award (Ph. D. thesis)
1997 - JSAP Young Scientist Award for the Presentation of an Excellent Paper
1997 - 応用物理学会講演奨励賞
1994 - MRS-J Young Scientist Award for the Presentation of an Excellent Poster
1994 - 日本MRS学術シンポジウム優秀賞
所属学会 (7件):
Japanese Society of Applied Physics
, Surface Science Society of Japan
, Materials Research Society
, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
, 日本表面科学会
, Materials Research Society
, 応用物理学会