J-GLOBAL ID:200901023021526825
更新日: 2024年12月18日 野村 照夫
ノムラ テルオ | Nomura Teruo
- Maki Tanaka, Takuma Okutani, Shohei Maruyama, Kenji Suehiro, Tomoyuki Matsui, Machiko Hiramoto, Yoshikazu Azuma, Tetsuya Miyazaki, Megumi Gonno, Teruo Nomura, et al. A Longitudinal Study of the Relationship Between Lower Extremity Field Tests and Medial Elbow Injuries in Elementary School Baseball Players. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024. 21. 11. 1518-1518
- 安部 征哉, 権野 めぐみ, 野村 照夫, 森原 徹, 来田 宣幸. 足趾動作の定量的評価による足趾機能評価の可能性. 日本臨床スポーツ医学会誌. 2023. 31. 4. S331-S331
- Masae Ikeya, Takumi Jiroumaru, Hitomi Bunki, Noriyuki Kida, Teruo Nomura. Effect of Specific Verbal Instructions on the Identification of Pain Location during a Passive Straight Leg Raise Test. Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2023. 11. 02. 45-53
- Megumi Gonno, Masaki Nishio, Noriyuki Kida, Teruo Nomura, Tomoyuki Matsui, Yoshikazu Azuma, Machiko Hiramoto, Ruo Hashimoto, Hitoshi Koda, Yuya Watanabe, et al. Relationship between sport injuries at lower leg and foot and muscle tightness: for puberty to adolescent athletes. Japanese Journal of Health Promotion and Physical Therapy. 2023. 12. 3. 101-106
- 権野 めぐみ, 西尾 真樹, 来田 宣幸, 野村 照夫, 松井 知之, 東 善一, 平本 真知子, 橋本 留緒, 幸田 仁志, 渡邊 裕也, et al. 下腿・足部のスポーツ障害とジャンプ前後の腓腹筋筋硬度の関係 ジュニアアスリートを対象として. ヘルスプロモーション理学療法研究. 2023. 12. 3. 101-106
- 橋本 恒, 柴原 基, 来田 宣幸, 野村 照夫. スポーツ選手の梨状筋拘縮を伴う腰痛が疑われた症例に対する他動的施術法と自動的運動療法の効果の検討. スポーツパフォーマンス研究. 2023. 14. 335-347
- Matsubara, H, Kida, N, Nomura, T. A Study on Support Play in Soccer Games: Relationship between Player Positioning and Zone. Advances in Physical Education. 2022. 12. 3. 271-282
- Matsubara, H.; Kida, N.; Nomura, T. A Study on Support Play in Soccer Games- Relationship between the Distance from the Ball Carrier and the Number of Players. Advances in Physical Education. 2022. 12. 2. 191-200
- Hyodo, Y.; Jiroumaru, T.; Kida, N.; Wachi, M.; Nomura, S.; Kuroda, M.; Nomura, T. Elucidation of abductor digiti minimi activity in chronic ankle instability. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2022. 34. 3. 242-246
- Gonno, M.; Kida, N.; Nomura, T.; Matsui, T.; Azuma, Y.; Hiramoto, M.; Hashimoto, R.; Miyazaki, T.; Tanaka, M.; Watanabe, Y.; Kai, Y.; Morihara, T. Relationship between Standing Trunk Extension Angle and Medial Elbow Injuries in Young Baseball Pitchers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022. 19. 7. 3895
- Masae Ikeya, Takumi Jiroumaru, Hitomi Bunki, Michio Wachi, Noriyuki Kida, Teruo Nomura. Effect of Verbal Instructions in Pain Assessment during a Passive Straight Leg Raise Test in People with Chronic Low Back Pain. Open Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. 2022. 10. 04. 189-197
- Yuki Mori; Yuta Yamada; Sayuri Umezaki; Noriyuki Kida; Teruo Nomura. A Study on the Number of Jumps and Jump Height in Volleyball: From a Mock Game of College Men Players. Advances in Physical Education. 2022. 12. 1. 1-10
- HISASHI HASHIMOTO; EIKI NAKATANI; NORIYUKI KIDA; TERUO NOMURA. A Longitudinal Survey of the Effects of the Novel Coronavirus on Exercise and Sports among University Students in Japan Belonging to a Faculty of Physical Education. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. 21. Suppl. 3. 2277-2287
- 木野和樹; 野村照夫; 来田宣幸; 太田雅夫; 中谷敏昭. 競泳選手における泳トレーニング後の交代浴がパフォーマンスに及ぼす影響. トレーニング科学. 2021. 33. 2. 135-145
- Hirokazu Kitao; Noriyuki Kida; Teruo Nomura; Chie Fukada; Takayuki Nakamoto; Masaaki Otani; Yoshihiko Nomura. Influence of motor instruction words on body movements in step-over motions. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2021. 33. 9. 627-631
- Yoshimi, E.; Nomura, T.; Kida, N. Effects of a Rhythmic-Play Exercise Program on Coordination in Preschool Children. Advances in Physical Education. 2021. 11. 2. 207-220
- Shinichi Noguchi; Takumi Jiroumaru; Wachi Michio; Mika Suzuki; Hitomi Bunki; Masae Ikeya; Ryo Fujitani; Noriyuki Kida; Teruo Nomura. Relationship between gait speed and trunk muscles in frail elderly individuals. The Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2021. 33. 5. 384-387
- Mori, H.; Ikuta, Y.; Tanaka, S.; Kida, N.; Nomura, T.; Mori, M.; Yamori, Y. Insulin and Incretin Responses to Palatinose Compared with Fructose and Glucose Combination : A Double-Blind; Placebo-Controlled Crossover Study. 応用薬理. 2021. 100. 3月4日. 87-94
- Eri Yoshimi; Noriyuki Kida; Teruo Nomura. A Study of Young Children’s Coordinated Movement: The Effects of a Rhythmic-Play Exercise Program on Physical-Expression Ability. Advances in Physical Education. 2021. 11. 1. 118-134
- 野口真一; 治郎丸卓三; 和智道生; 鈴木美香; 分木ひとみ; 藤谷亮; 岡恭正; 兵頭勇太郎; 来田宣幸; 野村照夫. 要介護・要支援高齢者における2ステップ値と体幹腹側筋筋厚の関係について. 理学療法湖都. 2020. 40. 58-61