








J-GLOBAL ID:200901024002704760 更新日: 2025年03月10日

植田 宏昭

ウエダ ヒロアキ | UEDA Hiroaki

論文 (158件)

  • 植田, 宏昭, 関澤偲温, 佐藤瞭, 岡島悟, 山崎哲, 野口峻佑, 竹村和人, 吉田聡. 研究集会「異分野融合による東アジアの天候に係わる気候システム研究の更新」の報告. 日本気象学会「天気」. 2025
  • Ryouta, Nakanishi, Kuramochi, Masaya, UEDA, Hiroaki. Summertime convection jump over the subtropical western North Pacific and its relation to Rossby wave breaking near the Asian jet exit region. J. Meoerol. Soc. Japan. 2024
  • Matsushita, T., Harada, M., UEDA, Hiroaki, T., Nakagawa, Y., Kubota, Suzuki, Yoshiaki, Kamae, Y. Contrasting responses of summer precipitation to orbital forcing in Japan and China over the past 450 kyr. CLIMATE OF THE PAST. 2024. 20. 9. 2017-2029
  • Takemura, K, Sato, H, Ito, A, Umeda, T, Maeda, S, Hirai, M, Tamaki, Y, Murai, H, Nakamigawa, H, Takayabu, Y. N, et al. Preliminary diagnosis of primary factors for an unprecedented heatwave over Japan in 2023 summer. SOLA. 2024. 20. 69-78
  • Kuramochi, Masaya, Ueda, Hiroaki, Inoue, Tomoshige, Honda, Meiji, Takaya, Koutarou. Coherent amplification of the Okhotsk high, Korean trough, and northwestern Pacific subtropical high during heavy rainfall over Japan in August 2021. PROGRESS IN EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE. 2023. 10. 1. 69
  • Kuramochi, Masaya, Ueda, Hiroaki, Iwasaki, Toshiki, Takaya, Koutarou. Interannual Variability of the Mass-Weighted Isentropic Zonal Mean Meridional Circulation in the Northern Hemisphere Winter. JOURNAL OF CLIMATE. 2023. 36. 16. 5605-5618
  • Ueda, Hiroaki. Characteristics of extratropical atmospheric circulation on the isentropic surface in the middle to upper troposphere during the Northern Hemisphere winter. JpGU2023 Meeting. 2023
  • Kamae, Yoichi, Ueda, H, Inoue, T, Mitsudera, H. Atmospheric circulations associated with sea-ice reduction events in the Okhotsk Sea. JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2023. 101. 2. 125-137
  • Kuramochi, Masaya, Kajino, Mizuo, Ueda, Hiroaki. Interannual Variability of Dust Deposition in Japan during Spring Season and Related Atmospheric Circulation Fields. JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2023. 101. 4. 255-270
  • Masaya, Kuramochi, Ueda, Hiroaki. Two types of wintertime teleconnection patterns over the western North Pacific associated with regionally different heating anomalies. JOURNAL OF THE METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2023. 101. 1. 21-37
  • Ueda, Hiroaki, Kuramochi, Masaya, Takaya, Koutarou, Takaya, Yuhei, Asano, Saki, Maeda, Shuhei. Genesis of upper-tropospheric anticyclones over the Asian-western Pacific sector from tropical-extratropical interaction perspective. Journal of Climate. 2022. 35. 3. 997-1008
  • Ueda, Hiroaki, Yokoi, Mikihiro, Kuramochi, Masaya. Enhanced Subtropical Anticyclone over the Indo-Pacific Ocean Associated with Stagnation of the Meiyu-Baiu Rainband during Summer, 2020. SOLA. 2021. 17B. 14-18
  • Naoi, Moeka, Youichi, Kamae, Ueda, Hiroaki, Mei, Wei. Impacts of Seasonal Transitions of ENSO on Atmospheric River Activity over East Asia. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. 2020. 98. 3. 655-668
  • 植田, 宏昭, 前田, 修平, 谷本, 陽一, 立花, 義裕. 2019年秋季「気候形成・変動機構研究連絡会」の報告. 天気. 2020. 67. 5. 319-321
  • 丹治, 菜摘, 植田, 宏昭. 熱帯域における海水温変動を規定するインド洋・太平洋・大西洋の海盆間相互作用. 日本気象学会長期予報研究会拡張要旨. 2020
  • 植田, 宏昭, 木部, 亜有美, 斎藤, 美香, 井上, 知栄. 冬季日本の降雪変動における熱帯からの遠隔強制. 気象研究ノート 第240号「南岸低気圧による大雪 II:マルチスケールの要因」. 2019. 105-113
  • 植田, 宏昭, 雨貝, 裕介, 早崎, 将光. エルニーニョ現象と南岸低気圧の関係. 気象研究ノート. 2019. 240. 114-118
  • 植田,宏昭. エルニーニョ現象と南岸低気圧との関係. 気象研究ノート. 2019
  • 植田, 宏昭. 冬季日本の降雪変動における熱帯からの遠隔強制. 気象研究ノート. 2019. 240. 114-118
  • 植田,宏昭. 2015, 2016年における台風発生数の季節的な変調. 天気. 2018. 65. 11

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