J-GLOBAL ID:200901024318809857
更新日: 2025年01月10日 牧野 和久
マキノ カズヒサ | Makino Kazuhisa
- Finding essential attributes in binary data(共著)
IDEAL 2000, LNCS 1983 2000 - Fully consistent extensions of partially defined Boolean functions with missing bits(共著)
IFIP TCS2000, LNCS 1872 2000 - Logical analysis of data with decomposable structures(共著)
COCOON 2000, LNCS 1858 2000 - Locating sources to meet flow demands in undirected networks(共著)
SWAT 2000, LNCS 1851 2000 - Max-and Min-neighborhood monopolies(共著)
SWAT2000, LNCS 1851 2000 - Efficient generation of all regular non-dominated coteries(共著)
Proceedings of PODC2000 2000 - A linear time algorithm for recognizing regular Boolean functions
ISAAC'99 , LNCS 1999 - On minimum edge ranking spanning trees (共著)
MFCS'99 . LNCS 1999 - Interior and exterior functions of positive Booleam functions(共著)
Proceedings of the 1st Japanese-Hungastan Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its applications 1999 - On the difference of Horn theories(共著)
STACS '99 LNCS 1999 - Disjunctions of Horn theories and their cores(共著)
Algorithms and Computation ISAAC '98 LNCS 1998 - Computing intersections of Horn theories for reasoning with models(共著)
Proceedings of AAAI98 1998 - On disguised double how functions and extensions(共著)
STACS '98 LNCS 1997 - Two-face Horn extensions(共著)
Algorithms and Computation ISAAC'97 LNCS 1997 - Monotone extensions of Booleam data(共著)
LNAI Algorithmic Learning Theory ALT'97 1997 - Data analysis by positive decision trees(共著)
Proceedings of International Symposium on cooperative Database Systems for advanced applications 1996 - Boolean analysis of imcomplete examples(共著)
Algorithm Theory-SWAT'96, LNCS 1097, springer 1996 - A fast and simple algorithm for identifying 2-monotonic positive functions(共著)
Algorithms and Computation LNCS1004, Srpringer 1995 - The Maximum latency and Identification of positive Boolean Fanctions(共著)
Algorithms and Computation, LNCS 834, Springer 1994