J-GLOBAL ID:200901025635019310
更新日: 2022年09月14日 馬場 将光
ババ マサテル | Baba Masateru
- Who should pay for higher education? A Japanese perspective. Higher Education in Europe. 2003. 28(4), 559-568
- The Rationale Behind Public Funding of Private Universities in Japan. Higher Education Management and Policy. 2002. 14(1), 83-93
- The Rationale Behind Public Funding of Private Universities in Japan. Higher Education Management and Policy. 2002. 14(1), 83-93
- M Baba, T Kamibeppu, K Shimada. What universities can learn from corporations about quality control of students. A proposal from a Japanese perspective. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT. 2001. 12. 2. 159-166
- 1つの大学改革論 -TRM区分論. 信州大学教育学部紀要. 2001. 104, 209-217
- University Evaluation and the Statistical Deviation Scores Based on Exam in Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University. 2001. 104, 199-208
- イギリスの大学の複数専攻・複数学位制度(調査報告). 信州大学教育学部紀要. 2001. 103, 189-198
- The Impact of Children on Teacher Education in Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University. 2001. 103, 179-187
- University Evaluation and the Statistical Deviation Scores Based on Exam in Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University. 2001. 104, 199-208
- The Impact of Children on Teacher Education in Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University. 2001. 103, 179-187
- Setting Tuition Fees in Institutions of Higher Education : supporting a public service, or charging what the market will pay?. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 2000. 24. 3. 397-408
- From Passive to Active-Recent Shifts in University-industry Partnership in Japan. Journal of the Faculty of Education, Shinshu University. 2000. 100. 149-158
- The Transformation of National Universities into Executive Agencies : Moving toward Privatization of Japanese Higher Education Institutions. Proceedings of International Seminar on University Governance and Management, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain. 2000. 23-35
- 馬場 將光, 嶋田 高司. 日本における高等教育の大衆化--市場経済原則の効果. 大学研究. 2000. 20. 211-227
- Contemporary Development of Research Cooperation in University-industry Relations in Japan. Industry and Higher Education. 2000. 14. 1. 17-23
- Kazuhiko Shimizu, Masateru Baba, Koji Shimada. The new role of the JUAA in Japanese university evaluation. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 2000. 25. 1. 51-60
- 馬場 将光, 嶋田 高司. Focus Points of In-service Education of Teachers in Japan. 信州大学教育学部紀要. 1999. 97. 97. 99-104
- D. A. Turner, M. Baba, K. Shimada. Academic degree conferment in the U.K. and Japan excluding universities. Higher Education Policy. 1999. 12. 1. 41-51
- 上別府 隆男, 馬場 将光. Quality Assurance of Students in Japanese Universities in The Era of Mass Higher Education. 信州大学教育学部紀要. 1998. 95. 95. 87-96
- Akiyoshi Yonezdwd, Masateru Baba. The market structure for private universities in japan how has japan achieved mass higher education in the private sector?. Tertiary Education and Management. 1998. 4. 2. 145-152