








J-GLOBAL ID:200901040236157644 更新日: 2024年02月01日

喜多 綾子

キタ アヤコ | Kita Ayako

講演・口頭発表等 (246件)

  • S1P受容体調節剤FTY720を介する遺伝子発現プロファイリングの網羅的解析と鉄代謝機構の関わり
    (第39回日本分子生物学会年会 2016)
  • ダウン症関連因子RCAN1は酸化ストレス応答シグナル伝達経路を制御する
    (第39回日本分子生物学会年会 2016)
  • RNA granules: Signaling hubs and therapeutic targets for cancer therapy
    (第39回日本分子生物学会年会 2016)
  • A Genome-wide Screen Reveals Genes Involved in Calcium Signaling and Glycosylation for Tolerance to SKB (Sugiura Kagobutsu B), a Novel Glycolipid with Potent Anti-tumor Activity
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Evaluation of the measurement method of intracellular calcium ion concentration in fission yeast
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Functional Analysis of the Puf family RNA-binding protein Pumilio in stress responses and the inositol phospholipid signaling pathway
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Anti-cancer drug discovery using fission yeast genetics identified a novel analog of 1’-Acetoxychavicol Acetate (ACA) with a potent anti-tumor activity against human melanoma cells
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Global gene expression profiling reveals unexpected spectrum of effects of a novel immune modulator FTY720 ~Possible involvement of iron homeostasis as an antitumor property of FTY720~
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Skb5, an SH3 domain adaptor protein, plays a regulatory role in the PKC/MAPK signaling pathway by controlling the intracellular localization of the MAPKKK Mkh1
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Mutation and Inhibition of Hsp90 affects stress granule assembly and MAPK signaling ~Implications of anti-cancer mechanisms of Geldanamycin~
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Protein kinase N (PKN) family-dependent regulation of hepatic cytochrome P450 2C and metabolic profile analysis in PKN mutant mice through targeted metabolomics by LC-MS/MS
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Anticancer-drug screening utilizing fission yeast genetics identified Acremomannolipin A, a Calcium signalling modulator with anti-tumor activity
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • Skb5, an SH3 adaptor protein, regulates PKC/MAPK signaling via spatial regulation of MAPKKK
    (12th International Conference on Protein Phosphatase and International Symposium on Innovative Research for Genome-Based Drug Discovery and Cancer Therapeutics 2016)
  • RNA結合蛋白質Rnc1の局在解析から見えてきたMAPKシグナルの制御機構
    (酵母遺伝学フォーラム第49回研究報告会 2016)
  • S1P受容体調節剤FTY720を介するシグナル伝達機構の解明
    (酵母遺伝学フォーラム第49回研究報告会 2016)
  • 分裂酵母を用いたCalcineurinとCalcipressinの局在制御機構の解析
    (酵母遺伝学フォーラム第49回研究報告会 2016)
  • SH3アダプターSkb5はMAPKKKの細胞内局在を制御することでPmk1 MAPKシグナルを抑制する
    (酵母遺伝学フォーラム第49回研究報告会 2016)
  • RNA結合タンパク質PumilioとPI4,5P2シグナルの遺伝学的関わり
    (酵母遺伝学フォーラム第49回研究報告会 2016)
  • シグナル伝達拠点としてのRNA granuleの機能解析と創薬への応用
    (第1回RNA顆粒/RNAタンパク質複合体研究会 2016)
  • Calcineurin抑制因子Calcipressinのstress granule移行に関わる領域とCalcineurinシグナルに与える役割の解析
    (第1回RNA顆粒/RNAタンパク質複合体研究会 2016)

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