








J-GLOBAL ID:200901045992056888 更新日: 2025年02月28日



MISC (21件)

  • Philip Seaton. Remembering Biowarfare Unit 731 Through Musical Activism: a performance of the choral work The Devil’s Gluttony’. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2014. 11. 28
  • Philip Seaton. The centenary of the annexation of Korea in the Japanese media. Japan Space. 2011. 9. 275-307
  • Philip Seaton. Testimony and War Memories in Japan: Introduction. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2010. 8-32
  • Philip Seaton. Depopulation and financial collapse in Yubari: Market forces, administrative folly, or a warning to others?. Social Science Japan Journal. 2010. 13. 2. 227-240
  • Philip Seaton. Historiography and Japanese war nationalism: Testimony in Sensōron, Sensōron as testimony. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2010. 32. 2. Webpage
  • My Father's Dying Wish: Legacies of War Guilt in a Japanese Family. Paulownia Press. 2009
  • Philip Seaton. The G8 Summit as “local event” in the Hokkaido media. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2008. 6. 11
  • Lukasz Zablonski, Philip Seaton. The Hokkaido Toyako Summit as a springboard for grassroots reconciliation initiatives: The “Peace, Reconciliation and Civil Society” symposium. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2008. 6. 11
  • Philip Seaton. Vietnam and Iraq in Japan: Japanese and American grassroots peace activism. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2008. 6. 4. 1
  • Philip Seaton. Alternative Summits, Alternative Perspectives: Beyond the 2008 Hokkaido G8 Summit: Editor's Introduction. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2008. 6. 11
  • Philip Seaton. Pledge fulfilled: Prime Minister Koizumi, Yasukuni and the Japanese media. Yasukuni, the War Dead and the Struggle for Japan’s Past. 2007. 163-188
  • Philip Seaton. Family, friends and furusato: “Home” in the formation of Japanese war memories. The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. 2007. 5. 7. 1
  • Do you really want to know what your uncle did? Coming to terms with relatives' war actions in Japan. Oral History. 2006. 34.1. 53-60
  • Philip Seaton. Reporting the “comfort women” issue, 1991-1992: Japan’s contested war memories in the national press. Japanese Studies. 2006. 26. 1. 99-112
  • Philip Seaton. Caught in the middle”: American and Japanese perspectives on Japanese-American experiences of World War II. The Northern Review. 2005. 33. 23-42
  • フィリップ・シートン. 英語圏における日本人の歴史認識に関する『正統的解釈』:その定義と例と反論. 大学院国際広報メディア研究科、北海道大学言語文化部紀要. 2005. 49. 35-58
  • フィリップ・シートン. 日本とイギリスの歴史認識:『正義ではない戦争』が生み出す論争. 大学院国際広報メディア研究科、北海道大学言語文化部紀要. 2005. 48. 7-23
  • Philip Seaton. Reporting the 2001 textbook and Yasukuni Shrine controversies: Japanese war memory and commemoration in the British media. Japan Forum. 2005. 17. 3. 287-309
  • A Critique of the "Orthodox Interpretation" of Japanese War Memory in English-Speaking Countries. Media, Language and Culture. 2005. 49. 35-58
  • Japanese and British Historical Consciousness: The Debates the Result from "Unjust Wars". Media, Language and Culture. 2005. 48. 7-24

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