J-GLOBAL ID:200901046623953384
更新日: 2024年12月25日 井堀 春生
イホリ ハルオ | Ihori Haruo
- Shinji Yudate, Tomoya Tachibana, Ryotaro Ozaki, Haruo Ihori, Kazunori Kadowaki. Phase Field Simulation of Electric Tree Propagation in Material Consisting of Two Layers with Different Elastic Moduli. 2024 10th International Conference on Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis (CMD). 2024. 789-792
- Yudai Shiozaki, Hyeon-Gu Jeon, Haruo Ihori. Classification of Electrical Treeing Images by Machine Learning of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning. 2023 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials (ISEIM). 2023
- 汐崎 悠大, 全 現九, 井堀 春生. 機械学習による電気トリーイング現象画像の認識と分類. 電気学会論文誌. A. 2023. 143. 8. 282-283
- 黒田 理紗, 全 現九, 井堀 春生. 架橋度の異なる2層シリコーンゲル中における電気トリー現象とその絶縁耐力. 電気学会論文誌. A. 2023. 143. 4. 166-172
- Wataru Yabuuchi, Ayaka Wada, Sinpei Sasaki, Yu Kawai, Jeon Hyeon-Gu, Masaharu Fujii, Haruo Ihori. Electric Field Strength and Tree Propagation Speed for Electrical Treeing in Silicone Gel. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials. 2020. 474-478
- 大竹 泰智, 梅本 貴弘, 近藤 亮介, 藤井 雅治, 全 現九, 井堀 春生. 絶縁油/プレスボード複合絶縁系における部分放電発生時の電界測定. 電気学会論文誌A. 2020. 140. 6. 325-330
- Ryosuke Kondo, Masaharu Fujii, Jeon Hyeon-Gu, Haruo Ihori, Yasutomo Otake, Takahiro Umemoto. Electro optical measurement of electric field strength in liquid with flowing. IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials. 2019. 139. 9. 406-407
- 井堀春生, 佐々木慎平, 前田竜二, Jeon Hyeon-Gu, 藤井雅治. シリコーンゲル中に生じるバブルの挙動. 電気学会論文誌 D. 2018. 138. 9. 758-759
- Masaharu Fujii, Haruo Ihori, Jeon Hyeon-Gu. Dependence of pearl-chain type tree in silicone gel on the waveform and the frequency of applied voltage. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials. 2017. 2. 727-730
- Ryosuke Kondo, Keisuke Yoshimura, Yusuke Hachisu, Jeon Hyeon-Gu, Masaharu Fujii, Haruo Ihori, Yasutomo Otake, Takahiro Umemoto, Takao Tsurimoto. Measurement of AC electric field in transformer oil using kerr effect. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials. 2017. 1. 255-258
- Haruo Ihori, Reo Sunouchi, Yusuke Tanaka, Jeon Hyeon-Gu, Masaharu Fujii. Kerr optical measurement of electric field strength in gelatinous liquid. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials. 2017. 1. 65-68
- 井堀 春生, 児玉 有生, 藤井 雅治, 全 現九, 原 滉貴, 大崎 晃輝. シリコーンゲル封止材中に生じる電気トリーの周波数依存性. 電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌. 2017. 137. 5. 458-459
- 井堀 春生, 児玉 有生, 全 現九, 藤井 雅治. 交流下のシリコーンゴム中に発生するパールチェーン型トリーの進展について. 電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料・共通部門誌). 2017. 137. 4. 215-220
- 田中 祐輔, 永岡 祐二, 全 現九, 藤井 雅治, 井堀 春生. ゲル状絶縁体中の電界強度の光学的測定. 電気学会論文誌. C. 2016. 136. 10. 1420-1421
- Release of Neurotransmitter in Conducting Polymer and its Incorporation using Cross-Potencial Method. International Union of Materials Reseach Societies - The 15 th IUMRS International Conference in Asia. 2014
- Masaharu Fujii, Ryosuke Ueda, Hyeon-Gu Jeon, Haruo Ihori. Vibration and Development of Pearl-chain-type Tree in Silicone Gel under AC Voltage. PROCEEDINGS OF 2014 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRICAL INSULATING MATERIALS (ISEIM 2014). 2014. 2014. 319-322
- Haruo Ihori, Mitsuru Oka, Yuji Nagaoka, Masaharu Fujii. Evaluation of Space Charge in Liquid Dielectric Using Kerr Electrooptic Method. PROCEEDINGS OF 2014 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTRICAL INSULATING MATERIALS (ISEIM 2014). 2014. 2014. 342-345
- Excitatory and inhibitory synapse system of organic device using conducting polymer. 3th International Discussion & Conference on Nano Interface Controlled Electronic Devices, A book of Abstracts. 2013. 31-32
- 藤井 雅治, 井堀 春生, 全 現九. クロス電位法を用いたシナプス型導電性高分子の基本特性について. 電気学会研究会資料. DEI, 誘電・絶縁材料研究会. 2013. 2013. 49. 17-20
- Haruo Ihori, Hayato Nakao, Masaki Takemura, Mitsuru Oka, Hyeon-Gu Jeon, Masaharu Fujii. Space charge distribution in a dielectric liquid using an optical method. Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering). 2013. 64. 4. 19-22