J-GLOBAL ID:200901049790513140
更新日: 2024年08月30日 脇村 孝平
ワキムラ コウヘイ | Wakimura Kohei
"Trade and Industrialization in East Asia during the Interwor Period: From the Perspective of Global Economic History"
(International Conference on East Asian Studies, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 2018) -
"Export of Primary Products and Labor Supply in Tropical Asia during the 19th Century: From the Perspective of ‘Factorial Terms of Trade’ Thesis, The Session 'Tropical Economies in the Making of the Modern World'"
(The 18th World Economic History Congress 2018) -
(第87回 社会経済史学会全国大会 2018) -
(「環インド洋熱帯地域における複数発展径路と自然環境-比較と連関」研究・第三回研究会 2018) -
"Comment’ ‘The Hydrosphere and Socioeconomics in Modern Asia, Exploring a New Regional History Using a Database and Spatial Analysis"
(International Workshop 2018) -
(社会経済史学会近畿部会・一月例会 2018) -
"Comment’ ‘Constructing Colonial Modern: Public Health, Education and Policing"
(九州大学-オックスフォード大学合同国際ワークショップ 2017) -
(『講座企業家学』第7回 2017) -
「Global Inequalityについて」
(「環インド洋熱帯地域における複数発展径路と自然環境-比較と連関」研究・第二回研究会 2017) -
(「環インド洋熱帯地域における複数発展径路と自然環境-比較と連関」研究・第一回研究会 2017) -
「19 世紀熱帯アジアにおける一次産品輸出と労働供給 -「要素交易条件」論・再考」
(2017年度 第86回社会経済史学会・全国大会 2017) -
"Epidemic Malaria, Semi-Arid Tropics and ‘Colonial Development’: The Cases of North and East India, 1871-1920"
(TNAU-INDAS International Conference, 'Toward Sustainable Development of India and South Asia: Population, Resources, and Environment' 2016) -
"Epidemic Malaria and ‘Colonial Development’: The Cases of North and East India, 1871-1920"
(Symposium to Inaugurate the Indio-Japan Collaborative Program for Historical Studies 2016) -
"Malaria and Population Changes in Bengal, 1872-1931 : Toward a Spatial Analysis"
(The 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies 2015) -
"Situating the East Asian Quarantine Politics in the International Context: The Late 19th Century and the Interwar Period"
(The Session 'The Globalization of Medicine and Public Health: Economic and Social Perspectives (1850-2000)', The XVIIth World Economic History Congress 2015) -
"Export Trade, Deflation and Agrarian Economy in India during the First Half of the 19th Century"
(The Session 'Deflation, money and commodities: Maritime Asia and its linkages to the Americas in the first half of the 19th century', XVIIth World Economic History Congress 2015) -
"Malaria and Population Changes in Bengal, 1872-1931 : Toward a Spatial Analysis"
(The Third Conference: GIS-based Global History from Asian Perspective 2015) -
"On Tirthankar Roy, 'Labour-intensity and Industrialization in Colonial India' and Gareth Austin, 'Labour Intensity and Manufacturing in West Africa', Roundtable on Gareth Austin and Kaoru Sugihara eds., Labour-Intensive Industrialization in Global Histo"
(GRIPS(政策研究大学院大学)新学術領域経済史セミナー(6) 2013) -
"Human Settlement and Population in the Indian History: A Preliminary Note', テーマ別セッションV, 'Population and Development in India: Towards a Regional Typology"
(日本南アジア学会第26回全国大会 2013) -
"The Tropics and World Economy, 1880-1913: W.A. Lewis and 'Tropical Development'"
(the 16th World Economic History Congress 2012)