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J-GLOBAL ID:200901050689894793 更新日: 2024年09月11日

金子 宏

カネコ ヒロシ | Kaneko hiroshi

講演・口頭発表等 (19件)

  • Chip-firing based methods and complex analytical study on discrete space
    (研究集会「マルコフ過程と関数論」 2023)
  • Increase in Sobolev norm induced by composite with normal contraction on an ultrametric space
    (International conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birthday of V.S.Vladimirov 2023)
  • Potential theoretic analogues of complex analytical theory on infinite graphs
    (International workshop on Dirichlet forms and related topics 2022)
  • 超距離空間におけるチップファイアリングとリーマン・ロッホの定理
    (2021年度多変数関数論冬セミナー 2021)
  • Chip-firing on ultrametric space and Riemann-Roch theorem
    (Eighth international conference on p-adic mathematical physics and tis applications 2021)
  • A Riemann-Roch theorem on network
    (Seventh International Conference on p-Adic Mathematical Physics and its Applications 2019)
  • ある無限グラフ上の因子に関するリーマン・ロッホの定理について
    (平成30年度確率論シンポジウム(RIMS共同研究(公開型)) 2018)
  • 木に付随する末端空間における非線形容量
    (ディリクレ形式と対称マルコフ過程 2017)
  • An Orlicz space on ends of tree and superposition of nodewise given Dirichlet forms with tier-linkage
    (International Conference on p-adic mathematical physics and its applications 2015)
  • Dirichlet space and Orlicz space on ends of tree associated with nodewise given Dirichlet forms with tier link- age
    (Stochastic processes, Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2014)
  • On BMD Schwarz kernels and Villat's kernels in Komatu-Loewner equations
    (数理解析研究所研究集会・確率論シンポジウム 2013)
  • On Stochastic Komatu-Lowener Equations and a BMD Domain Constant
    (Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2013)
  • Markov process on ends of tree and a nodewise orthogonal property
    (First international conference on models of complex hierarchic systems and non-archimedean analysis 2013)
  • A Dirichlet space on ends of tree and Dirichlet forms with a nodewise orthogonal property
    (確率論シンポジウム 2012)
  • p 進整数環でのある擬似乱数についての試論
    (研究集会関西大学確率論セミナー 2011)
  • A fractal theoretic approach to Dirichlet forms on the ring of p-adic integers
    (Markov processes and related topics 2011)
  • A fractal theoretic grip on Dirichlet forms on the ring of p-adic integers
    (Number Theory and Probability 2010)
  • Probabilistic phenomena associated with dynamics on the ring of p-adic integers
    (Hayama Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables XIII 2009)
  • Fractal theoretic aspects of local field
    (The third international conference on p-adic mathemtaical physics 2007)

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