J-GLOBAL ID:200901051878764996
更新日: 2025年03月24日 西川 貴雄
ニシカワ タカオ | NISHIKAWA Takao
(日本数学会年会 統計数学分科会 2023) -
(第70回年次大会・工学教育研究講演会 2022) -
(第63回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 2019) -
(日本大学理工学部物理学科 物性理論・生物物理学セミナー 2016) -
(Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale interacting Systems 2015) -
(日本数学会年会 統計数学分科会 2015) -
Hydrodynamic limit for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with both a conservation law and the Dirichlet boundary condition
(研究集会「Stochastic Analysis and Applications」 2012) -
Hydrodynamic limit for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with both a conservation law and the Dirichlet boundary condition
(11th Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems 2012) -
Hydrodynamic limit for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with both a conservation law and the Dirichlet boundary condition
(研究集会「数理物理と確率解析」 2012) -
Hydrodynamic limit for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with both a conservation law and the Dirichlet boundary condition
(研究集会「新潟確率論ワークショップ」 2012) -
Hydrodynamic limit for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with both a conservation law and the Dirichlet boundary condition
(10th Stochastic Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems 2011) -
(国際ワークショップとチュートリアルセミナー「特異拡散と動く界面」 2010) -
Hydrodynamic limit for the interface model with general potentials
(GCOE mini-workshop ``Topics on Random Media'' 2009) -
Hydrodynamic limit for the interface model with general potentials
(Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Physics 2008) -
(研究集会「大規模相互作用系の確率解析」 2008) -
Large deviation for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with a conservation law
(Workshop on Gradient Models and Elasticity 2008) -
Large deviation for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with a conservation law
(Hydrodynamics and fluctuations in interacting partcle systems 2008) -
Large deviation for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with a conservation law
(研究集会「大規模相互作用系の確率解析」 2007) -
Large deviation for the Ginzburg-Landau ∇φ interface model with a conservation law
(Dirichlet Forms, Stochastic Analysis & Interacting Systems 2007 2007) -
(科学研究費研究集会「大規模相互作用系の確率解析」 2006)