2006 - 2008 Research on fiber nonlinearities in optical access systems
1999 - 2007 ファイバレーザの安定化
1999 - 2007 Stabilization of fiber lasers
1993 - 2007 光ファイバ中のパルス伝送シミュレーション
1993 - 2007 Numerical study on pulse propagation in optical fibers
1988 - 2007 非線形光学効果を用いた光の量子雑音制御
1988 - 2007 Control of quantum noise of light using nonlinear optical effects
2000 - 2001 光ソリトン通信システムにおける分散スロープ補償に関する研究
1996 - 1996 超低雑音コヒーレント光源に関する研究
論文 (132件):
Shunta Asahina and Joji Maeda. A Dispersion-Tolerant Symbol Constellation of Stokes-Vector Modulation for Short-Reach Fiber Links. Technical digest of 2023 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications. 2023
Kosuke Fujishima, Amila Kariyawasam, Joji Maeda. Effect of Chromatic Dispersion on Modulator Distortion in Analogue Radio-over-Fiber System Employing Electrical Pre-Distortion. Technical digest of 2022 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications. 2022
Kansei Daito, Amila Kariyawasam, Joji Maeda. A Probabilistic Shaping Scheme Suitable for Direct-Detection Lightwave System Using Kramers-Kronig Relation. Technical digest of 2022 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications. 2022
Kento Okunushi, Amila Kariyawasam, and Joji Maeda. Evaluation of Nonlinear Phase Shift Mitigating Dispersion-Induced Fading in Radio-over-Fiber Link. Technical digest of 15th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR2022). 2022
Yusuke Suzuki, Ryo Okajima, Amila Kariyawasam, and Joji Maeda. An Experimental Study on the Effect of Modulation Distortion on DDMZM Based OSSB+C Signal Generation. Technical digest of 15th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR2022). 2022
A Dispersion-Tolerant Symbol Constellation of Stokes-Vector Modulation for Short-Reach Fiber Links
(2023 International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications 2023)