研究キーワード (5件):
, 海洋スポーツ・レクリエーションのマネジメント
, water sports and outdoor education
, Management of leadership development for lifetime sports
, Management of water sports and coastal recreation activities
競争的資金等の研究課題 (12件):
2004 - 2006 水辺活動が持つ 生きる力の解明
2004 - 2006 The Investigation of zest for Living on Water Sports and Recreation
1991 - 野外教育の指導者養成
1991 - 水辺活動の安全管理
1991 - Leadership Development on Outdoor Education
1991 - Risk Management of Water Sports
Water Sports and Recreation for Health Promotion
Program Development and Safety of Outdoor Education
Development and Safety of Water Sports and Recreation
The Construction of an Inventory of Organized Camp Experience for Children(IOCE-C) and Its Reliability and Validity. Japan Outdoor Education Journal. 2002. 6. 1. 49-61