小谷野 康子, 渡辺 浩美. Analysis of the difficulties experienced by service providers supporting adolescents and adults having autistic spectrum disorder without intellectual disabilities- Survey results from 141 psychiatry day- treatment institut. 順天堂精神医学研究所紀要. 2018. 第29
小谷野 康子, 森 真喜子. Effectiveness of Non-Comprehensive Interventions using a Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training - Analysis of A Case of Psychological Trauma Caused by Abuse-. 順天堂精神医学研究所紀要. 2017. 第28号. 98-102
小谷野 康子, 渡辺 浩美, 山科 満. Analysis of the contents of support and the issues related to adolescents and adults having Autistic Spectrum Disorder(ASD) without intellectual disabilities at psychiatry day-treatment institutions-The results of 72 psychiatry day-treatment institutions. 順天堂精神医学研究所紀要. 2016. 第27号. 126-129
Non-comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy with a focus on mindfulness and skill training
(The Sigma Theta Tau International's 29th International Nursing Research Congress (Calgary) 2019年7月 2019)
Difficulties associated with the support for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in adolescence and adulthood in psychiatry day-treatment institutions for persons with psychiatric disabilities -The results of 141 psychiatry day-treatment institutions-
(IEPA 11th International Conference on Early Intervention in Mental Health(Boston) 2018)
Prevalence and Trend in Alcohol Use Disorders in Japanese Diabetic Patients
(The Sigma Theta Tau International's 29th International Nursing Research Congress (Melbourne) 2018)
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.
, IEPA Early Intervention in Mental Health
, International Society of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses
, 日本マインドフルネス学会
, 日本うつ病学会
, 日本認知療法・認知行動療法学会
, 聖路加看護学会
, 日本精神保健看護学会
, 日本看護科学学会