J-GLOBAL ID:200901056274275018
更新日: 2024年12月18日 大澤 晃
オオサワ アキラ | Osawa Akira
- Osawa, A, Y. Haga, S. Fujii, N. Kurachi. Long-term variation of anomaly in aboveground biomass in circumpolar boreal forests. Fourth International Symposium on the Arctic Research. 2015
- Fujii, K, Y. Matsuura, A. Osawa. Environmental factors regulating soil organic carbon storage in permafrost ecosystems. Fourth International Symposium on the Arctic Research. 2015
- Morishita, T, Y. Matsuura, T. Kajimoto, A. Osawa, O.A. Zyryanova, A.S. Prokushkin. Effects of N fertilization and root cut treatment on soil respiration in a Larix gmelinii forest in Central Siberia. Fourth International Symposium on the Arctic Research. 2015
- Tran Van Do, T. Sato, A. Osawa, T.T. Nguyen. Estimating fine root decomposition, mortality and production in tropical forests of Vietnam. International Workshop, Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems: Where do we stand?. 2013
- Several-decadal oscillation in Arctic climate and aboveground biomass anomaly in circumpolar boreal forests. International Workshop, Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems: Where do we stand?. 2013
- Effects of nitrogen fertilization on CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes in a larch forest in Central Siberia. International Workshop, Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems: Where do we stand?. 2013
- Natural disturbance and tree species diversity in temperate forests. The Fifth EAFES (East Asian Federation of Ecological Societies) International Congress. 2012
- S Mori, A Ishida, K Yamaji, T Nishizono, k Koyama, A.T.M, R. Hoque, Md. Kamruzzaman, R Suwa, A Hagihara, et al. Linkage between above- and underground parts of whole-plant metabolism\nfrom seedlings to giant trees. Gordon Research Conference 第6回Metabolic basis of ecology and evolution in changing world. 2012
- Shigeta Mori, Keiko Yamaji, Atsushi Ishida, Stanislav G. Prokushkin, Oxana V. Masyagina, Akio Hagihara, A. T. M. Rafiqul Hoque, Rempei Suwa, Akira Osawa, Tomohiro Nishizono, et al. Mixed-power scaling of whole-plant respiration from seedlings to giant trees. PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2010. 107. 4. 1447-1451
- Akira Osawa. Quantitative relationship of leaves and fine roots in Quercus serrata using pipe-model theory. In 5th International Symposium on Physiological Processes in Roots of Woody Plants. August 8-12, University of Victoria, Victioria, BC, Canada. 2010
- Akira Osawa. Can abandoned land after shifting cultivation return to original forest?: A case study in Northwestern Vietnam. In InternationalWorkshop: Forest Dynamics and Carbon Monitoring in Forest Ecosystems in East Asia - Findings from Forest Dynamics Network. October 7-8, Mielparque Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 2010
- Akira Osawa. Manipulated soil cylinder experiment for assessment of forest carbon dynamics utilizing belowground litter trap-root ingrowth core device. In The 1st International Symposium on Turkish-Japanese Environment and Forestry. November 4-6, Karadeniz Techical University, Trabzon, Turkey. 2010