- 2001 - - 日本獣医畜産大学食品科学科 教授
- 2001 - - Nippon veterinary and animal science university,
- 1991 - 2000 郡山女子大学短期大学部(食品学) 教授
- 1991 - 2000 Koriyama women's junior college(Food Science),
- 1981 - 1990 郡山女子大学短期大学部(食品学) 助教授
- 1981 - 1990 Koriyama women's junior college(Food Science)
- 1970 - 1980 郡山女子大学短期大学部(食品学) 講師
- 1970 - 1980 Koriyama women's junior college(Food Science)
- 1968 - 1969 郡山女子大学短期大学部(食品学) 助手
- 1968 - 1969 Koriyama women's junior college(Food Science)
- Food Science and Technology, a Professor
- a Professor
- , an assistant professor
- , a lecturer
- , Research assistant