J-GLOBAL ID:200901057832217034
更新日: 2024年12月18日 米本 浩一
ヨネモト コウイチ | Yonemoto Koichi
- 大山聖, 永井大樹, 得竹浩, 藤田昂志, 安養寺正之, 豊田裕之, 宮澤優, 米本浩一, 岡本正人, 野々村拓, et al. 高度飛行試験による火星飛行機の空力データの取得. 宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告: 大気球研究報告. 2017. JAXA-RR-16-00870. 69-80
- Yamasaki H, Yonemoto K, Fujikawa T. Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Control Using Hierarchical Dynamic Inversion for a Winged Rocket "jointly worked". International Journal of Advanced Research. 2017. 5. 10. 200-218
- Oyama A, Nagai H, Tokutake H, Fujita K, Anyoji M, Toyota H, Miyazawa Y, Yonemoto K, Okamoto M, Nonomura T, et al. Aerodynamic Data Acquisition of Mars Airplane by High Altitude Flight Test. JAXA Research and Development Report. 2017. JAXA-RR-16-00870. 69-80
- Yamasaki H, Yonemoto K, Itakura K, Gossamsetti G.S, Ichige M, URA Y. Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Controller Applied to Winged Rocket. Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan. 2016. 14. ists30. 9-16
- Tsukamoto H, Yonemoto K, Makizono T, Sasaki G, Tanaka K, Ikeda K, OchiH. Variable Pressure Wind Tunnel Test of Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers Designed for Mars Exploration Aircraft. Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan. 2016. 14. ists30. 29-24
- Yonemoto K, Yamasaki H, Ichige M, Ura Y, Gossamsetti Guna S, Ohki T, Shirakata K, Choudhuri Ahsan R, Ishimoto S, Mugitani T, et al. Winged Test Rocket with Fully Autonomous Guidance and Control for Realizing Reusable Suborbital Vehicle. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering. 2016. 10. 1. 96-107
- YAMASAKI Hiroshi, YONEMOTO Koichi, ITAKURA Kyoshiro, GOSSAMSETTI Guna Surendra, ICHIGE Masatomo, URA Yusuke. Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Controller Applied to Winged Rocket. TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN. 2016. 14. ists30. 9-16
- Tsukamoto H, Yonemoto K, Makizono T, Sasaki G, Tanaka K, Ikeda K, OchiH. Variable Pressure Wind Tunnel Test of Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers Designed for Mars Exploration Aircraft. Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan. 2016. 14. ists30. 29-24
- Yonemoto K, Yamasaki H, Ichige M, Ura Y, Gossamsetti Guna S, Ohki T, Shirakata K, Choudhuri Ahsan R, Ishimoto S, Mugitani T, et al. Winged Test Rocket with Fully Autonomous Guidance and Control for Realizing Reusable Suborbital Vehicle. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering. 2016. 10. 1. 96-107
- TSUKAMOTO Hirotoshi, YONEMOTO Koichi, MAKIZONO Takahiro, SASAKI Gaku, TANAKA Kota, IKEDA Keisuke, OCHI Hiroshi. Variable-Pressure Wind Tunnel Test of Airfoils at Low Reynolds Numbers Designed for Mars Exploration Aircraft. TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN. 2016. 14. 30. Pk_29-Pk_34-Pk_34
- YAMASAKI Hiroshi, YONEMOTO Koichi, ITAKURA Kyoshiro, GOSSAMSETTI Guna Surendra, ICHIGE Masatomo, URA Yusuke. Stability Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion Controller Applied to Winged Rocket. TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN. 2016. 14. 30. Pg_9-Pg_16-Pg_16
- Itakura K, Yonemoto K, Matsumoto T, Ohki T. Rapid Trajectory Planner for Navigating Complex Terrain Using Random Search and Dynamics Filter Based on Dynamic Inversion. Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan. 2015. 13. 23-32
- ITAKURA Kyoshiro, YONEMOTO Koichi, MATSUMOTO Takaaki, OHKI Takumi. Rapid Trajectory Planner for Navigating Complex Terrain Using Random Search and Dynamics Filter Based on Dynamic Inversion. TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN. 2015. 13. 23-32
- G. Guna Surendra, K. Yonemoto, T. Matsumoto, Y. Kutsuna, K. Itakura, H. Yamasaki, Y. Ura, M. Ichigie, H. Tanaka, S. Ueno, et al. Recent Developments of Experimental Winged Rocket: Autonomous Guidance and Control Demonstration Using Parafoil. 2014 ASIA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY, APISAT2014. 2015. 99. 156-162
- Sasaki G, Tatsukawa T, Nonomura T, Oyama A, Matsumoto T, Yonemoto K. Multi-objective Optimization of Airfoil for Mars Exploration Aircraft Using Genetic Algorithm. Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan. 2014. 12. ists29. Pk_59-Pk_64-Pk_64
- 松本剛明, 米本浩一, 鳴海智博, 宮本信太郎, 伊多倉京士朗, 佐々木岳, 山崎裕司. 国際的学生ロケット打上げの挑戦で実践した技術伝承と知識創出の術. UNISEC Space Takumi Journal. 2014. 5. 3. 28-46
- Itakura K, Sasaki G, Miyamoto S, Yamasaki H, Matsumoto T, Yonemoto K. Development and Ground Combustion Test of a Subscale Reusable Winged Rocket. Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan. 2014. 12. ists 29. To_3_1-To_3_5-To_3_5
- Miyamoto S, Matsumoto T, Yonemoto K. Optimal Trajectory Generation Using a Distributed Genetic Algorithm That Can Divide and Merge Individuals Dynamically. Transaction of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Aerospace Technology Japan. 2014. 12. 37-46
- SASAKI Gaku, TATSUKAWA Tomoaki, NONOMURA Taku, OYAMA Akira, MATSUMOTO Takaaki, YONEMOTO Koichi. Multi-objective Optimization of Airfoil for Mars Exploration Aircraft Using Genetic Algorithm. TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN. 2014. 12. ists29. Pk_59-Pk_64-Pk_64
- Matsumoto, T, Yonemoto, K, Narumi, T, Miyamoto, S, Itakura, K, Sasaki, G, Yamasaki, H. An Art of Technology Transfer and Knowledge Development Practiced in the Challenge of International Student Rocket Launch Campaign. UNISEC Space Takumi Journal. 2014. 5. 3. 28-46