J-GLOBAL ID:200901058906347950
更新日: 2024年12月18日 井門 康司
イド ヤスシ | Ido Yasushi
- Yan-Jyun Li, Yu-Chia Fan, Chih-Yung Huang, Yasushi Ido, Yuhiro Iwamoto. Application and performance of temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid in micro-thermomagnetic pump system with series connection. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2024. 157. 107759
- K. Yamashiro, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido, Ignat Tolstorebrov, T.M. Eikevik. Solidification and Melting Process of Water-based Magnetic Fluid. Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain 2024. 2024
- Jun-ang Ji, Chih-Yung Huang, Yasushi Ido, Yuhiro Iwamoto. Flow pattern and pressure drop analysis of two-phase segmented flow driven by a thermomagnetic pump. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2024. 204. 109226
- 西田均, 山本久嗣, 島田邦雄, 井門康司. 磁場と電場の同時印加によるMCF研磨の加工除去量の特性. 日本AEM学会誌. 2024. 32. 1. 89-94
- 大江岳歩, 森本日向子, 土田智也, 岩本悠宏, 井門康司, 鶴田久, 牧原伸征. 永久磁石ウレタンエラストマーの形状が誘導起電力に及ぼす影響. 日本AEM学会誌. 2024. 32. 1. 219-224
- 森本日向子, 土田智也, 大江岳歩, 岩本悠宏, 井門康司, 牧原伸征, 鶴田久. 永久磁石発泡ウレタンエラストマーの速度センサーへの応用. 日本AEM学会誌. 2024. 32. 1. 213-218
- Hitoshi NISHIDA, Hisashi YAMAMOTO, Kunio SHIMADA, Yasushi IDO. Characteristics of Removal Amount on MCF Polishing While Simultaneously Applying Magnetic and Electrical Fields. Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. 2024. 32. 1. 89-94
- Rong Zhangwe, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido, Atsuki Mitani, Ryohei Kobayashi. Investigation of heat transfer characteristics of the self driving temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid through a nonmagnetic porous in a heating pipe. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2023. 590. 171658
- Yasushi Ido, Kaito Hayashi, Yuhiro Iwamoto. Thermal flow analysis of temperature-sensitive magnetc fluid around multiple heated bodies. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2023. 590. 171648
- Yasushi Ido, Yusuke Hiroshima, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasutake Hirota, Satomi Fujioka. Thermal conduction and magnetic properties of magnetorheological elastomers dispersing sendust particles. Nanotechnology Perceptions. 2023. 19. 3. 14-25
- Rong Zhongwu, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido. Thermal flow analysis of self-driven temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid betweenpartially heated parallel plates. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. 2023. 71. S1. S171-S178
- Chih-Chun Yang, Jun-Yang Ji, Chih-Yung Huang, Yasushi Ido, Yuhiro Iwamoto. Experimental investigation of sub-millimeter thermomagnetic pumps with temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2022. 219. 119461
- Zhongwu Rong, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido. Thermal flow analysis of self-driven temperature-sensitive magnetic fluid around two cylinders arranged in tandem. Results in Engineering. 2022. 16. 100660
- Peizhi Zhang, Qichen Wang, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Zhuoyi He, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano. Development of a calf muscle pump inspired reconfigurable soft pump module using permanent magnet elastomer. Proceedings of 2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics. 2022. 1115-1120
- Hitoshi NISHIDA, Hisashi YAMAMOTO, Kunio SHIMADA, Yasushi IDO. Effect of Magnetic and Electric Fields on Precision Polishing for V-Shaped Microgroove Surfaces Utilizing Magnetic Compound Fluid. Journal of the Japan Society for Precision Engineering. 2022. 88. 5. 402-408
- 西田均, 山本久嗣, 島田邦雄, 井門康司. 磁気混合流体を用いた微細V溝に対する精密研磨に及ぼす磁場と電場の影響. 精密工学会誌. 2022. 88. 5. 402-408
- Allah Rakhio, Yasushi Ido, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Atsushi Toyouchi. Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Torque Properties of Rotary Elastomer Particle Damper Considering the Effect of Gap and No Gap between Rotor and Body of the Damper. Shock and Vibration. 2021. 2021. 7724156
- Sahil Shembekar, Mitsuhiro Kamezaki, Peizhi Zhang, Zhuovi He, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Yasushi Ido, Hiroyuki Sakamoto, Shigeki Sugano. Development of a permanent magnet elastomer (PME) infused soft robot skin for tactile sensing. Proceedings of 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Inteligent Robots and Systems. 2021. 6039-6046
- Allah Rakhio, Yasushi Ido, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Atsushi Toyouchi. Experimental Analysis of Rotary Damper: Effect of Using Spherical and Ellipsoidal Elastomer Particles on Damping. Advanced Experimental Mechanics. 2021. 6. 90-97
- Allah Rakhio, Yasushi Ido, Yuhiro Iwamoto, Atsushi Toyouchi. Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Torque Properties of a Separated Double-Chamber Rotary Damper Using Elastomer Particles. Advanced Experimental Mechanics. 2021. 6. 83-89