J-GLOBAL ID:200901062411193920
更新日: 2024年02月14日 奈倉 文二
ナグラ ブンジ | Nagura Bunji
- 鉄鋼寡占資本間競争とその変容(『講座日本経営史』第5巻第8章)
ミネルヴァ書房 2010 - (共著)日英兵器産業史-武器移転の経済史的研究-
日本経済評論社 2005 ISBN:4818817511 - (A joint work) Economic History of the Anglo-Japanese Armament Industry: The Arms Transfer since the end of the Nineteenth Century
Nihon-Keizai Hyoron-sha 2005 ISBN:4818817511 - (共著)日英兵器産業とジーメンス事件ー武器移転の国際経済史ー
日本経済評論社 2003 ISBN:4818815047 - (A joint work) Japanese and British Armament Industry in the Naval Race: Economic History of Arms Transfer and the Vickers Kongo Case in 1910
Nihon-Keizai Hyoron-sha 2003 - A Munition-Steel Company and Anglo-Japanese Relations before and after the First World War: The Corporate Governance of the Japan Steel Works and the British Shareholders. Janet Hunter & S.Sugiyama (eds.), The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations,Vol.・・・
Palgrave 2002 ISBN:0333791975 - A Munition-Steel Company and Anglo-Japanese Relations before and after the First World War: The Corporate Governance of the Japan Steel Works and the British Shareholders. Janet Hunter & S.Sugiyama (eds.), The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations,Vol.・・・
Palgrave 2002 - 日本製鋼所のコーポレート・ガヴァナンスと日英関係(杉山伸也、ジャネット・ハンター編『日英交流史 1600-2000』第4巻 経済)
東京大学出版会 2001 ISBN:4130250345 - A Munition-Steel Company and Anglo-Japanese Relations before and after the First World War: The Corporate Governance of the Japan Steel Works and the British Shareholders. S.Sugiyama & Janet Hunter (eds.), The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations,Vol.・・・
Tokyo University Press 2001 - 兵器鉄鋼会社の日英関係史-日本製鋼所と英国側株主:1907~52-
日本経済評論社 1988 ISBN:4818809705 - A Munition-Steel Company and the Relation between Britain and Japan: A Historical Study of the Japan Steel Works and the British Shareholders, 1907-52.
Nihon-Keizai Hyoron-sha 1988 - 日本鉄鋼業史の研究-1910年代から30年代前半の構造的特徴-
近藤出版社 1984 - A Study on the Japanese Steel Industry: Structural characteristics from the 1910s to the Early 1930s
Kondo Shuppan 1984