J-GLOBAL ID:200901069314741712
更新日: 2022年08月03日 中村 光宏
ナカムラ ミツヒロ | Nakamura Mitsuhiro
(第53回青山学院大学英文学会大会 2020) -
Exploring temporal characteristics of lingual gestures in American English /l/.
(The 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019) -
Universal Phonetics, or Searching for the Biological Grounding of Phonology.
(The 6th Meeting of Linguistics Beyond and Within - International Linguistics Conference in Lublin. 2018) -
Universal Phonetics, or Searching for the Biological Grounding of Phonology
(Linguistics Beyond and Within 2018 -Old Answers - New Questions, or Where the Obvious Still Puzzles. 2018) -
What can Individual Phonetic Variation Tell us about Phonology?
(The 25th Conference of J. Jablonskis 'Variation across Languages and their Varieties.' 2018) -
What can individual phonetic variation tell us about phonology?
(The 25th International Scientific Conference of Jonas Jablonskis "Variation across Languages and their Varieties” 2018) -
(日本大学英文学会2017年度学術研究発表会 2017) -
Gestural Reduction in Nasal Place Assimilation: an EPG and EMA study.
(The 7th International Conference on Experimental Phonetics. 2017) -
Gestural Reduction in Nasal Place Assimilation in British English: An EPG and EMA Study.
(The Seventh International Conference on Experimental Phonetics. 2017) -
Towards articulatory-acoustic characterisations of hiatus resolution strategies: an EMA study.
(The 4th Conference of Contemporary Research in Phonetics and Phonology. 2017) -
Towards articulatory-acoustic characterizations of hiatus resolution strategies.
(The Fourth International Scientific Conference of Contemporary Research in Phonetics and Phonology 2017) -
Exploring Articulatory Characteristics of Linking /r/ in British English.
(The 16th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology. 2016) -
Exploring Articulatory Characteristics of Linking /r/ in British English
(The 16th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Paramatta, Australia, 7-9 December 2016 2016) -
Gestural Reduction and Regressive Place Assimilation: a case study of word-final /n/ in British English.
(Phonetik & Phonologie 11 2015) -
Gestural Reduction and Regressive Place Assimilation: A Case Study of Word-final /n/ in British English.
(11 Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum,8-9 October,2015 2015) -
Exploring Regressive Place Assimilation in British English: a Case Study.
(The 26th Scandinavian Conference on Linguistics. 2015) -
Exploring Regressive Place Assimilation in British English: A Case Study
(The 26th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics,19-21 August,2015 2015) -
The Parametric Phonetics of Palatalisation: a Case Study.
(Palatalisation Conference 2014) -
The Parametric Phonetics of Palatalisation: a Case Study
(Palatalization Conference, University of Tromsø, Centre for Advanced Study of Theoretical Linguistics, December 4-5 2014 2014) -
Gestural Reduction as a Function of Phonological Contexts: a Study of Word-final t/d Deletion.
(The 43rd New Ways of Analyzing Variation Conference. 2014)