研究キーワード (9件):
, 恒常性
, Social Cancer
, 政治学、環境と共生、共同体と個人、Social Cancer
, Built-in Peace
, Built-in Peace
, Built-in Peace
, 国際関係史
, History of international relations
競争的資金等の研究課題 (12件):
2003 - 2006 共同体の再編
2002 - 2005 戦後接収
2002 - 平和創設と社会システム
2002 - Peacemaking and Social systems
2001 - EU地域化と政治統合
2000 - 戦後復興と国家
1999 - 安全保障と歴史的問題
1999 - 国家,ナショナリズムと記憶
EU Enlargement and Political Gntegration
Security problem and historical issues
Postwar economic development and the nation
Nation,Nationalism and Memories
論文 (12件):
Setsuko Onoda. Drumming behaviour of a Japanese pigmy woodpecker in Satoyama: Tree removal and human settlement. Pre-print. 2022
小野田 摂子. Tree Removal Changed the Drumming Behaviour of a Japanese Pigmy Woodpecker (pre-print). Research Square. 2022
小野田 摂子. Social Cancer in a Dualistic World: the purpose, economy, and policy of substitution of Japanese sustainable energy transition. International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice. 2021. 18. 1
小野田 摂子. 交換の政治学. 立教女学院短期大学紀要. 2018. 49. 39-58
小野田 摂子. Peace System in Critical Situation in Post-war and Current Japan: Conflict, Reparations, and Constitution. Asian Perspective. 2005. 28. 2. 233-261
Coomon Ground Scholar
, 日本EU学会
, UNICEF Support Program
, 日本民家再生協会
, Asian Perspective
, 日本工業英語協会
, 中国社会文化学会
, 政治経済史学会
, Asian Survey
, EU Studies in JAPAN