J-GLOBAL ID:200901072966884826
更新日: 2024年12月18日 湯浅 将英
Yuasa Masahide
The Facial Expression Effect of an Animated Agent on the Decisions Taken in the Negotiation Game
2007 - -
The Facial Expression Effect of an Animated Agent on the Decisions Taken in the Negotiation Game(CHI Extended Abstracts 2007)
2007 - -
発話交替シミュレーションシステム ARABAHIKA -人間観察に基づく自律的発話交替エージェントの提案 -(インタラクション2007)
2007 - -
Emoticons Convey Emotions without Cognition of Faces: An fMRI Study(CHI Extended Abstracts 2006)
2006 - -
Emoticons Convey Emotions without Cognition of Faces: An fMRI Study
2006 - -
What is connected by mutual gaze?: user's behavior in video-mediated communication(CHI Extended Abstracts 2005)
2005 - -
What is connected by mutual gaze?: user's behavior in video-mediated communication
2005 -