








J-GLOBAL ID:200901073050082895 更新日: 2024年01月30日

服部 宏治

ハットリ コウジ | Hattori Koji

MISC (13件)

  • Investigation research on the state of a junior high school athletic club uhich school children, junior high school students and high school students expect. Hiroshima Pref. Physical education organization Sports Science Commitee. 2003. 13. 21-28
  • Investigation research on the athletics and gymnastics course of high school -Comparison of students and teachers-. Japan Society of physical Education Health and sport science. Society of physical Education sociology special subcommittee the collection of announcement papers. 2002. 176-181
  • Basic Research on Opening University sports Facilities to the public -From the viewpoint of leaders' needs-. Hiroshima Journal of Physical Education. 2002. 28. 21-30
  • Investigation Research for activating the athletics and gymnastics course of high school. Hiroshima Pref. Physical education organization sports science Committee. 2002. (12), 21-28
  • Survey research regarding the upgrading of sports enviroment -from the view point of the application needs of the university sports institution-. Hiroshima Pref.Physical education organization sports science Committee. 2001. (11), 21-28
  • Sports Interest of Junior High School Students in Relation to the Recognition of Delinquency. Hiroshima Journal of Pysical Educasion. 2001. 27. 35-43
  • Basic research regarding the social function of the Present sports-club participation and life action in the junior high school student- 9th Hiroshima sports science reseach volume. Hiroshima Pref. Physical education organization sports science Committee. 1999. 9. 33-40
  • Attach to the Possibility of placeable"short distance race"study to the lower classes. Elementary school attached to Hiroshima University Research bulletin. 1997. 25. 231-240
  • Attach to the Possibility of the tactics study in the lower classes. Elementary school attached to Hiroshima University Research bulletin. 1996. 24. 245-252
  • Attach to the relevancy between the change of temporal, social, economic changes and sports action of the national life. Hiroshima University Graduate school of Education Master Paper. 1986
  • 服部宏治, 平松携, 東川安雄, 迫俊道. 市町村合併による広域スポーツ空間の再構築に関する基礎研究. 平成18年度~19年度科学研究補助金(基盤研究(C))研究成果報告書
  • 服部宏治. 日本YMCAにおけるスポーツの普及と展開に関する研究. 広島大学大学院総合科学研究科 総合科学専攻 博士論文
  • 服部宏治. 大正期から昭和期(戦前)の横浜YMCAにおける「外部指導」と「競技大会」に関する一考察. 体育史研究. 26. 10

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