Development of Objective Methods for Analysis of Food Texture
Analysis of Perceptional Mechanism of Umami Taste by Physiological and Biochemical Methods
論文 (90件):
Masato Ohmura, Kentaro Matsumiya, Maeda Tatsuro, Akio Fujita, Yukako Hayashi, Yasuki Matsumura. Change in surface structure and inner microstructure of durum wheat pasta during the boiling process. LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2021. 149
Ohmura Masato, Matsumiya Kentaro, Maeda Tatsuro, Fujita Akio, Hayashi Yukako, Matsumura Yasuki. Effects of drying temperature on the properties of starch in pasta. LWT. 2021. 145. 111171-111171
Emi Mura, Akiyuki Taruno, Minako Yagi, Kohei Yokota, Yukako Hayashi. Innate and acquired tolerance to bitter stimuli in mice. PLOS ONE. 2018. 13. 12. e0210032
2017/08 - 日本食品科学工学会 Food Science and Technology Research年間最優秀論文賞 Analysis of Active Components on Oral Fat Sensations in Oolong Tea.
2017/03 - 日本農芸化学会 Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry年間最優秀論文賞 Isolation and characterization of key contributors to the "kokumi" taste in soybean seeds.
2014/10 - 日本味と匂学会 論文賞 III型細胞の機能分化と味蕾でのATP受容体分布
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2004/05 - The American Oil Chemists' Society Archer Daniels Midland Award (for best paper in Chemistry/nutrition) Reconstitution of Single Molecular Species from Isolated Subunits of Glycinin,"