








J-GLOBAL ID:200901078476848030 更新日: 2019年11月25日

鈴木 健一郎

スズキ ケンイチロウ | Suzuki Kenichiro

講演・口頭発表等 (129件)

  • 流体を利用した広帯域周波数可変MEMSアンテナの開発
    (信学技報(IEICE Technical Report) MW2018-120, pp. 37-42 2018)
  • 凖ミリ波帯シリコンハイブリッドMEMSフェイズドアレイアンテナの基礎検討
    (信学技報(IEICE Technical Report) MW2018-119, pp. 31-35 2018)
  • 5 MHz p-n diode longitudinal extensional mode resonator with high efficiency
    (Digest of 2018 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference 2018)
  • Non-contact motion detective sensor utilizing a mechanically-vibrating MEMS antenna
    (Proc. of The 3rd Internatioanal Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE) 2018)
  • Laterally-driven MEMS tuning fork resonator with a p-n diode actuator and p-n diode sensor
    (Digest of 2018 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference 2018)
  • Development for wide frequency-variable fluid MEMS antenna fabricated on a silicon substrate
    (Proceedings of the 10th Integrated MEMS Symposium, 01pm2-C-6 2018)
  • Characterization of p-n diode sensor using an MEMS tuning-fork resonator
    (Proceedings of the 10th Integrated MEMS Symposium, Sapporo, , 30pm2-A-4 2018)
  • Improvement of the efficiency of a p-n diode actuator installed on in-plane vibrational silicon MEMS resonators
    (Proceedings of the 10th Integrated MEMS Symposium, 30pm3-A-3 2018)
  • Control of resonant frequency for tuning fork MEMS resonators
    (Proceedings of the 10th Integrated MEMS Symposium, 30pm2-A-1 2018)
  • Improvement of the oscillation condition in MEMS oscillators
    (Proceedings of the 10th Integrated MEMS Symposium, 30pm2-A-2 2018)
  • Development of a mechanically-vibrating MEMS antenna installed with a silicon antenna
    (Proceedings of the 35th Sensor Symposium on Sensors, Micromachines and Applied Systems, 2018)
  • LTCC基板を使った凖ミリ波帯ハイブリッドMEMSフェーズドアレイアンテナの基礎検討
    (電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会、B-1-100 2018)
  • 凖ミリ波帯シリコンハイブリッドMEMSフェーズドアレイアンテナの基礎検討
    (電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会、B-1-93 2018)
  • MEMS マイクロエレクトロニクス半世紀の流れー私的追想-
    (第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集, 18p-G201-16 2018)
  • Millimeter-wave radar with vibratory MEMS Yagi-Uda antenna
    (Proc. of The 2nd Internatioanal Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ISBE) 2017)
  • 5 MHz pn-diode resonator with in-plane lingitudinal extensional mode
    (Digest of 2017 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference 2017)
  • Fundamental research on variable frequency fluid MEMS antenna
    (Proceedings of the 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium 2017)
  • Study on installation of antenna on a mechanically vibrating MEMS antenna
    (Proceedings of the 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium 2017)
  • Fabrication of quasi-millimeter wave band hybrid MEMS phased-array antenna
    (Proceedings of the 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium 2017)
  • Development of a fluid variable capacitor with fluid channel
    (Proceedings of the 9th Integrated MEMS Symposium 2017)

1〜20 件目 / 全 129 件