J-GLOBAL ID:200901079620209337
更新日: 2022年08月21日 鈴木 季直
スズキ スエチカ | Suzuki Suechika
- Morphological changes of mitochondria and detection of annexin V signal in sea urchin spermatozoa during fertilization. In: Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy. 'jointly worked'
8APEM Publication Committee, Kanazawa 2004 - A phylogenetic study on the relationship between C4 plant maize and its wild relatives with special reference to the fine structure of dimorphic chloroplasts. In: Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy. 'jointly worked'
8APEM Publication Committee, Kanazawa 2004 - Intracellular distribution of catch regulating protein twitchin in the anterior byssus retractor muscle of Mytilus edulis. In: Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy. 'jintly worked'
8APEM Publication Committee, Kanazawa 2004 - Intracellular localization of activator calcium and its translocation during contraction in the body wall muscle of an echiuroid, Urechis unicinctus. In: Proceedings of the 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Electron Microscopy. 'jointly worked'
88APEM Publication Committee, Kanazawa 2004 - 筋
生物学データ大百科事典、朝倉書店 2002 - Possible contribution of titin filaments to the compliant series elastic component in horseshoe crab skeletal muscle fibers. In: Elastic Filaments of the Cell. (共著)
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher 2000 - 生命へのアプローチ.「(共著)」
弘学出版 1998 - Localization of activator calcium at the plasma membrane in smoothmuscle.In : Calcium as Cell Signal. 「(共著)」
Igaku-Shoin(Tokyo) 1995 - 凍結技法/凍結割断レプリカ装置/Balzers BAF 400D
電子顕微鏡と周辺機器-上手な装置の使い方,医学出版センター(出版社) 1994 - フリーズフラクチヤー・エッチング法「電子顕微鏡チャートマニュアル」
医学出版センター 1993 - Cross-bridge angle distribution and thin filament stiffness in frog skeletal muscle fibers as studied by quick-freeze deep-etch electron microscopy. In : Mechanism of Myofilament Sliding in Muscle Contraction. 「(共著)」
Plenum Press 1993 - 凍結技法「よくわかる電子顕微鏡技術」
朝倉書店 1992 - Electron probe X-ray microanalysis studies on the intracellular calcium translocation during the contraction-relaxation cycle in the fish swibbladder muscle. In : Electron Microscopy 1990. Vol. 2. Analytical Sciences. 「(共著)」
San Francisco Press 1990 - Electron probe X-ray microanalysis studies on the intracellular calcium translocation during the contraction-relaxation cycle of a fish sound-producing muscle. In : Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. 「(共著)」
John Libbey Eurotext (London) 1990 - Electron microscopic studies on the intracellular translocation of calcium ions during the contraction-relaxation cycle in muscle. In : Metal Ions in Biology and Medicine. 「(共著)」
John Libbey Eurotext (London) 1990 - 興奮収縮連関-細胞化学的アプローチ「新生理科学大系第4巻筋肉の生理学」
医学書院 1986 - Excitation-contraction coupling. Cytochemical approach. In : Handbook of Physiological Sciences. Vol. 4. Physiology of Skeletal, Cardiac and Smooth Muscles. 「(共著)」
1986 - Contractile activation of cerebral artery induced by quick stretch in calcium-free medium. In : Vascular Neuroeffector Mechanism. 「(共著)」
Raven Press(New York) 1983 - Physiological and ultrastructural studies on the intracellular calcium translocation in invertebrate smooth muscles. In : Basic Biology of Muscles. A Comparative Approach. 「(共著)」
Raven Press (New York) 1982 - Mechanisms of intracellular calcium translocation in muscle. In : The Role of Calcium in Biological Systems. 「(共著)」
CRC Press (Boca Ration, Florida) 1982