J-GLOBAL ID:200901080296382266
更新日: 2024年12月18日 近藤 典夫
コンドウ ノリオ | KONDO Norio
- K. Shingu, M. Yukawa, K. Hiratsuka, N. Kondo, T. Irie. The Status Quo of Damping Evaluation of Shell and Spatial Structures in Japan. Proceedings of The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering. 2020. 17
- 近藤典夫,田中裕基. 近接した並列2円柱の衝突現象に関する流力振動解析. 日本船舶海洋工学会論文集. 2018. 28. 225-234
- 佐藤信夫, 花里利一, 内田龍一郎, 荻原幸夫, 三須基規ー, 坂本功ー, 高山峯夫, 中井孝, 近藤典夫. 木造五重塔の心柱の応答制御技術. 日本建築学会技術報告集. 2018. 24. 57. 619-624
- Kiyoshi SHINGU, Kiyotoshi HIRATSUKA, Norio KONDO, Toshihiro IRIE. Damping Evaluation of Spherical Pre-stressed Concrete Shell by Filtering and Half-power Bandwidth Method. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2016, CD-ROM. 2016. 1-10
- 居駒知樹,塩野光弘,西川省吾,近藤典夫,羽多野正俊,惠藤浩朗,田畑昭久. 浮体式海洋再生可能エネルギー基地に必要な要素技術に関する研究. 日本大学理工学部理工学研究所研究ジャーナル. 2016. 137. 30-43
- Norio KONDO. Numerical computation for vortex-induced vibrations of two tandem circular cylinders arranged exceeding the critical spacing. Theoretical and Applied Nechanics Japan. 2015. 63. 33-41
- Kiyoshi Shingu, Kiyotoshi HIRATSUKA, Masaki YUKAWA, Yusuke ISHIYAMA, Norio KONDO. Study on Damping Evaluation of Shell and Spatial Structures. Proceeding on IABSE, CD-ROM. 2015
- Norio Kondo. Three-dimensional computation for flow-induced vibrations of an upstream circular cylinder in two tandem circular cylinders. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics. 2014. 28. 6-10. 461-476
- Norio Kondo. Numerical computation for wake-galloping vibrations of two tandem circular cylinders. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan. 2013. 62. 59-67
- 近藤典夫、服部諒. 辺長比が大きい長方形構造物まわりの流れと流体力特性. 日本建築学会 構造工学論文集. 2013. 59B. 441-448
- Norio Kondo. Three-dimensional computation for flow-induced vibrations in in-line and cross-flow directions of a circular cylinder. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS. 2012. 70. 2. 158-185
- K. Shingu, K. Hiratsuka, K. Mitsui, T. Kawashima, N. Kondo, K. Ogawa T. Irie, M. Yukawa and T. Otsuka. Study on Vibration Damping Characteristics of a Spherical Shell and Damping Tendency of Shell and Spatial Structures. Proceedings on the fifteenth WCEE 2012, CD-ROM, Lisbon, SPAIN. 2012. 15. 1-10
- 近藤典夫. 低間隔における直列2円柱の流れ方向および流れ直交方向の流力振動に関する3次元数値解析. 日本建築学会構造系論文集. 2012. 77. 677. 1029-1035
- Kiyoshi SHINGU, Kiyotoshi HIRATSUKA, Masaki YUKAWA, Tadashi OTSUA, Kazuo MITSUI, Takayuki KAWASHIMA, Norio KONDO, Kiyoshi OGAWA and Toshihiro IRIE. Damping characteristics of a spherical shell and dampin tendency analysis of shell and spatial structures. Proceedings on IASS-APEC2012, CD-ROM, Seoul, KOREA. 2012. 1-8
- 近藤典夫. 接近した直列2円柱における上流側円柱の流れ方向および流れ直交方向の流力振動に関する3次元数値解析. 日本建築学会構造系論文集. 2011. 76. 670. 2051-2058
- Norio Kondo. Numerical analysis for flow-induced vibrations of an upstream circular cylinder in two tandem circular cylinders at close spacing. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan. 2011. 60. 97-103
- Kiyoshi SHINGU, Masaki YUKAWA, Kiyotoshi HIRATSUKA, Kazuo MITSUI, Takayuki KAWASHIMA, Kiyoshi OGAWA, Toshihiro IRIE and Yasunori NAKAZAWA. Study on Damping Characteristics of Two Steel Hyperbolic Paraboloidal Shells. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan. 2011. 60. 285-293
- Kiyoshi SHINGU, Kiyotoshi HIRATSUKA, Masaki Yukawa, Kazuo MITSUI, Takayuki KAWASHIMA, Kiyoshi OGAWA, Toshihiro IRIE. Damping Characteristics of Two Steel HP Shells. Proceedings on IABSE-IASS Symposium, CD-ROM. 2011
- Norio Kondo. Three-dimensional analysis for vortex-induced vibrations of an upstream circular cylinder in two tandem circular cylinders. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 30th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2011, June 19-24, 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, CD-ROM version OMAE2011-49655. 2011. 1-9
- 近藤典夫,登坂宣好. 断面辺長比が大きい長方形構造物の流体力特性に関する3次元数値解析. 構造工学論文集. 2011. 57B. 85-91