J-GLOBAL ID:200901080424827055
更新日: 2024年01月31日 太田 博巳
オオタ ヒロミ | Ohta Hiromi
- Juan G Herranz-Jusdado, Victor Gallego, Marina Morini, Christoffer Rozenfeld, Luz Pérez, Tamás Müller, Ákos Horváth, Hiromi Ohta, Juan, F. Asturiano. Eel sperm cryopreservation: an overview. Theriogenology. 2019. 133. 210-215
- 笛田えりか, 瀬川 叡, 中村尚高, 山田伸一, 中田 久, 家戸敬太郎, 太田 博巳. Residual concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in female whitespotted conger reared under low water temperatures after a single injection. Aquaculture. 2019. 509. 129-133
- 水野裕太, 藤原篤志, 山野恵祐, 太田博巳. Motility and fertility of cryopreserved spermatozoa of the Japanese sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus. Aquaculture Research. 2019. 50. 106-115
- 野村和晴, コウ アイバン, 飯尾良介, 奥田大介, 風藤行紀, 田中秀樹, 太田博巳. Sperm cryopreservation protocols for the large-scale fertilization of Japanese eel using a combination of large-volume straws and low sperm dilution ratio. Aquaculture. 2018. 496. 203-210
- Kahori Arita, Shinya Takamatsu, Kiyoshi Isowa, Hideo Aoki, Hiromi Ohta. Development of a novel non-programmable cryopreservation method capable of accurate cooling rate manipulation. AQUACULTURE. 2018. 484. 145-151
- Hiromi Ohta, Yuta Sato, Hitoshi Imaizumi, Yukinori Kazeto. Changes in milt volume and sperm quality with time after an injection of recombinant Japanese eel luteinizing hormone in male Japanese eels. AQUACULTURE. 2017. 479. 150-154
- Ivan Chong Chu Koh, Daiki Hamada, Yoshi-aki Tsuji, Daisuke Okuda, Kazuharu Nomura, Hideki Tanaka, Hiromi Ohta. Sperm cryopreservation of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. AQUACULTURE. 2017. 473. 487-492
- 村田修, 板倉壮太, 山本眞二, 服部亘宏, 倉田道雄, 太田博巳, 升間主計. クエxタマカイの種間交雑と交雑仔稚魚の成長. 水産増殖. 2017. 65. 1. 93-95
- Yutaka Kawakami, Kazuharu Nomura, Hiromi Ohta, Hideki Tanaka. Characterization of thyroid hormone receptors during early development of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2013. 194. 300-310
- Akira Miura, Kazuharu Nomura, Hitoshi Imaizumi, Tadao Jinbo, Yoshitsugu Masuda, Hideki Tanaka, Hiromi Ohta. Administration of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone into mature male Japanese eel reduces sperm motility by decreasing potassium ion concentrations in the seminal plasma. AQUACULTURE. 2013. 414. 217-223
- Kazuharu Nomura, Yukako Takeda, Tatsuya Unuma, Kagayaki Morishima, Hideki Tanaka, Katsutoshi Arai, Hiromi Ohta. Post-ovulatory oocyte aging induces spontaneous occurrence of polyploids and mosaics in artificial fertilization of Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. AQUACULTURE. 2013. 404. 15-21
- Ivan Chong Chu Koh, Daisuke Tanaka, Takayoshi Itagane, Masaharu Tsuji, Yasushi Tsuchihashi, Hiromi Ohta. Dry shipper cryopreservation of seven-band grouper (Epinephelus septemfasciatus Thunberg) spermatozoa. AQUACULTURE RESEARCH. 2012. 44. 1. 59-66
- Kahori Arita, Kiyoshi Isowa, Takashi Ishikawa, Hideo Aoki, Hiromi Ohta. Effects of cooling rate on post-thaw motility and fertility of Japanese pearl oyster Pinctada fucata martensiis permatozoa. FISHERIES SCIENCE. 2012. 78. 3. 625-630
- 田中大介, 高井彰徳, 高橋昭人, 太田博巳, 上野紘一. Attempt at cloning high-quality goldfish breed “Ranchu” by fin-cultured cell nuclear transplantation. Zygote. 2012. 20. 1. 79-85
- Daisuke Tanaka, Akito Takahashi, Akinori Takai, Hiromi Ohta, Koichi Ueno. Attempt at cloning high-quality goldfish breed 'Ranchu' by fin-cultured cell nuclear transplantation. ZYGOTE. 2012. 20. 1. 79-85
- Tatsuya Unuma, Sayumi Sawaguchi, Keisuke Yamano, Hiromi Ohta. Accumulation of the Major Yolk Protein and Zinc in the Agametogenic Sea Urchin Gonad. BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN. 2011. 221. 2. 227-237
- Te-Hua Hsu, Yudha T. Adiputra, Hiromi Ohta, Jin-Chywan Gwo. Species and sex identification of Formosa landlocked salmon using loop-mediated isothermal amplification. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES. 2011. 11. 5. 802-807
- 太田 博巳. 魚介類の良質精子作出・保存法の開発に関する研究. 日本水産学会誌. 2011. 77. 3. 360-363
- Hiromi Ohta. Studies on the development of methods for production and preservation of good quality sperm in aquatic organisms. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI. 2011. 77. 3. 360-363
- Kazuharu Nomura, Akiyuki Ozaki, Kagayaki Morishima, Yukio Yoshikawa, Hideki Tanaka, Tatsuya Unuma, Hiromi Ohta, Katsutoshi Arai. A genetic linkage map of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) based on AFLP and microsatellite markers. AQUACULTURE. 2011. 310. 3-4. 329-342