J-GLOBAL ID:200901081953275382
更新日: 2025年03月25日 八木 祐子
Yagi Yuko
- 八木 祐子, Yuko Yagi. Women, Abuse Songs and Erotic Dances : Marriage Ceremonies in Northern India. Senri Ethnological Studies = Senri Ethnological Studies. 2008. 71. 71. 35-47
- Yuko Yagi, ed.by, Yoshitake Terda. Women,Abuse Songs and Erotic Dances : Marriage Ceremonies in NOrthern India. Senri Ethnological Studies. 2008. 71
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- 八木 祐子. ワーラーナスィーの形成過程に関する一考察--古代から近代まで. キリスト教文化研究所研究年報. 2004. 38. 25-43
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- Yuko Yagi, eds.by, Masakazu Tanaka, Musashi Tachikawa. Rituals, Service Castes and Women: Rites of Passage and The Conception of Anspiciocsness in Northern India. Living with Sakti: Gender, Sexsuality and Religion in South Asia Senri Ethnological Studies National Museum of Ethnology. 1999. 243-281
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