J-GLOBAL ID:200901082545200125
更新日: 2024年01月17日 服部 幸夫
ハットリ ユキオ | Hattori Yukio
日本人で初めて見られたHb Bic醇Streの1症例
(臨床血液 2008) -
-90 C-T (proximal CACCC変異)とHbEの複合へテロ接合体によるb+/b+サラセミア症例
(臨床血液 2008) -
(臨床血液 2008) -
(臨床血液49(9):984, 2008) 2008) -
(臨床血液 2008) -
hybridization probe法を用いた遺伝子診断法
(臨床病理 2006) -
A new 9bp-deletion at codon 131-134 in a1 globin gene resulting in a dominant -thalassemia
(The 9th international Congress of the Asian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2006) -
Two cases of Filipiino -thalassemia deletion found in Japan.- The deletion of the Filipino-type was larger (116.4kb) than that reported (45kb)
(The 9th international Congress of the Asian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2006) -
Hemolytic anemia by double heterozygosity for Hb Taybe and a-thalassemia-2(-a3.7) found in a Japanese
(KamizonoThe 9th international Congress of the Asian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2006) -
b0 thalassemia with db-hybrid globin gene
(, The 9th international Congress of the Asian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2006年10月 2006) -
(臨床病理 2006) -
Normal expression of the b-globin gene cluster and developmental switching are broken down by the short deletion of 7.6 kb involving only LCR2 and 3
(The 9th international Congress of the Asian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2006) -
ATRX(X-linked a thalassemia with mental retardation)の遺伝子異常の検索
(臨床病理52(補冊):152 2005) -
(臨床血液 2005) -
(臨床血液 2005) -
(臨床血液 2004) -
・ 鉄剤抵抗性の小球性貧血で発見された新しいegdbサラセミアの1例
(臨床血液45(8):275, 2004 2004) -
未知の広範囲遺伝子欠失の欠失断端決定法Junction PCR
(臨床血液45(8):213, 2004 2004) -
(臨床病理 2002) -
Thalassemia mutationw and their clinical aspects in Japan. , 76(Suppl II): 90-92, August, 2002
(Int J Hematol 2002)