京都橘大学 工学部建築デザイン学科
住環境システム, 住環境計画, 建築計画, 社会システム工学, 環境デザイン, 都市計画・建築計画, Social System Engineering, Environmental Design, City Planning and Building Planning
1994 - Rural Tourism Development based on Environmental conservation
1990 - 地域の文化的景観を保全するための都市・農村計画の方法論
1990 - Urban and Rural Planning theory for the conservation of cultural landscape
論文 (108件):
Pilaiporn Numma, Kiyoko Kanki. The Roles of the Foundation of Child Development and Murals in Empowering Children and Community in Bangkok. Children, Youth and Environments Journal (CYE). 2023. 33. 3. 184-194
Pilaiporn Nunma, Kiyoko Kanki. Children’s spaces and creative adaptation in a high-density neighbourhood of the Bangkok metropolitan region: a case study of the Duang Khae neighbourhood. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 2022. 22. 4. 1889-1902
Pilaiporn Nunma, Kiyoko kanki. Playing under the Flyover in Bangkok from the Children’s Point of View. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering. 2021. TABE 1928506
, International Play Association
, 造園学会
, International Federation for Housing and Planning
, 土木学会
, 日本都市計画学会
, 日本建築学会
, 農村計画学会
, City Planning Institute Japan
, Architectural Institute of Japan