J-GLOBAL ID:200901085663426439
更新日: 2024年10月03日 大木 寛
オオキ ヒロシ | OHKI HIROSHI
- Boron delivery for boron neutron capture therapy targeting a cancer-upregulated oligopeptide transporter. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. 2019. 139. 3. 215-222
- K. Yoshino, T. Yabe, T. Hattori, K. Saito, A. Ishikawa, H. Ohki. 10B-NMR Determination of 10B-BPA, 10B-BPA-Fructose Complex and Total 10B in Blood for BNCT. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2014. 88. 74-77
- Y. Itoh, T. Mizuno, K. Yoshino, H. S. Ban, H. Nakamura, A. Ishikawa, H. Ohki, and J. Hiratsuka. Biological Evaluation of Dopamine Analogues Containing Phenylboronic Acid Groups as New Boron Carriers. New Challenges in Neutron Capture Therapy. 2011. 69. 12. 1771-1773
- H. Oka and H. Ohki. Structural Analysis of High-Silica Ferrierite with Different Structure-Directing Agents by Solid-State NMR and Ab Initio Calculations. Analitycal Sciences. 2010. 26. 4. 411-416
- A. Ishikawa, H. Ohki, S. Kitada, A. Sasane. 35Cl NQR and XRD Studies on Cs2[Ag(I)xAu(I)1-xCl2][Au(III)Cl4]. Hyperfine Interactions. 2008. 180. 1-3. 19-23
- K. Yamada, H. Terao, K. Sumimura, M. Hashimoto, H. Ohki, and T. Okuda. Phase Transitions and Molecular Motions in Guanidinium-d6 Trihalogenomercurates(II) [C(ND2)3]HgBr3 and [C(ND2)3]HgI3 as Investigated by Means of 81Br and 127I NQR and 2H NMR. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2007. 80. 9. 1716-1722
- T. Kawaguchi, H. Ohki, K. Yamada, T. Okuda, T. Haino, and Y. Fukazawa. Structure and guest dynamics for calix[4]arene derivative inclusion compounds. Journal of Molecular Structure. 2007. 833. 1-3. 108-113
- Kawaguchi, T, Ohki, H, Yamada, K, Okuda, T. Dynamic property of H2O in layered VOPO4 center dot 2H(2)O studied by solid-state NMR. BULLETIN OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2006. 79. 6. 864-866
- M. Moro'oka, H. Ohki, K. Crystal Structure and Ionic Conduction Mechanism of AgHgSX (X=Br, I). Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2004. 77. 5. 975-980
- M. Moro'oka, H. Ohki, K. Yamada, T. Okuda. The crystal structure and electric conductivity of new quaternary chalcogenide halide CuHgSI. J. Solid State Chem. 2004. 177. 45. pp.1401-1404
- K. Yamada, M. M. Ahmad, H. Ohki, and T. Okuda, H. Ehrenberg, and H. Fuess. Structural phase transition of the two-dimensional fluoride ion conductor KSn2F5 studied by X-ray diffraction. Solid State Ionics. 2004. 167. 3-4. 301-307
- M. Moro'oka, H. Ohki, K. Yamada, and T.Okuda. Crystal Structure of High Temperature Phase and Ionic Conductivity Mechanism of CuHgSX (X=Cl, Br). Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 2003. 76. 11. 2111-2115
- H. Oka, S. Kasahara, T. Okada, S. Yoshida, A. Harada, H. Ohki, and T. Okuda. Characterization of lithium sites in dehydrated LiCaNaKLSX by 7Li MAS NMR spectroscopy. Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 2002. 51. 1. 1-5
- K. Yamada, H. Mohara, T. Kubo, T. Imanaka, K. Iwaki, H. Ohki, and T. Okuda. Static and Dynamic Structures of InBrx (x=1.4, 1.5, 1.75, and 2) Studied by 81Br NQR and 115In NMR. Z. Naturforsch. 2002. 57. 6-7. 375-380
- H. Oka, S. Kasahara, T. Okada, E. Iwata, M. Okada, T. Shoji, H. Ohki, and T. Okuda. Structural analysis of lithium-excess lithium manganate cathode materials by 7Li magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Solid State Ionics. 2001. 144. 1-2. 19-29
- Y. Tomita, H. Ohki, K. Yamada, and T. Okuda. Ionic conductivity and structure of halocomplex salts of group 13 elements. Solid State Ionics. 2000. 136. 351-355
- Y. Tomita, H. Ohki, K. Yamada, and T. Okuda. Dynamic Behavior of the Group 13 Elements in Bromocomplexes as Studied by NQR and NMR. Z. Naturforsch. 2000. 55. 1-2. 117-123
- H. Oka, Y. Tokunaga, T. Okada, H. Ohki, and T. Okuda. Determination of the distortion of local structure in zeolite NaA, NaX and NaLSX by 27Al satellite transition spectroscopy (SATRAS). Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 1999. 33. 1-3. 257-263
- Y. Tomita, K. Kobayashi, H. Ohki,K. Yamada, and T. Okuda. Diffusion mechanism of copper(I) ion in CuAlBr4 studied by nuclear magnetic resonance. Solid State Ionics. 1999. 126. 1-2. 121-131
- K. Yamada, Y. Ohnuki, H. Ohki, and T. Okuda. New Anionic Conductor KSbF4 with Fluorite Structure. Chem. Lett. 1999. 28. 7. 627-628