J-GLOBAL ID:200901086334167186
更新日: 2025年01月06日 宮村 典秀
ミヤムラ ノリヒデ | MIYAMURA Norihide
- Makoto Hirose and Norihide Miyamura. Experimental demonstration of scene-based cophasing in optical synthetic aperture imaging using the SPGD algorithm. Applied Optics. 2024. 63. 15. 4157-4164
- Norihide Miyamura, Makoto Hirose, and Seichi Sato. Sequential phase diversity for wavefront correction using a deformable mirror with modeling errors. Applied Optics. 2023. 62. 30. 7931-7937
- Norihide MIYAMURA, Ryo SUZUMOTO, Satoshi IKARI, Shinichi YOKOBORI, and Shinichi NAKASUKA. Alignment and Wavefront Correction for the Formation Flying Synthetic Aperture Telescope (FFSAT). Journal of Evolving Space Activities. 2023. 1. 42. 1-7
- Makoto Hirose, Norihide Miyamura, Seichi Sato. Deviation-based wavefront correction using the SPGD algorithm for high-resolution optical remote sensing. Applied optics. 2022. 61. 23. 6722-6728
- Norihide Miyamura, Ryo Suzumoto, Satoshi Ikari, Shinichi Nakasuka. Image processing for a formation flying synthetic aperture telescope. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. 2021. 11852
- Suzumoto, Ryo Ikari, Satoshi Miyamura, Norihide Nakasuka, Shinichi. μm-class Control of Relative Position and Attitude for Formation Flying Synthetic Aperture Telescope with Micro-satellites. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences. 2021. 64. 2. 101-111
- Ryo Suzumoto, Satoshi Ikari, Norihide Miyamura, Shinichi Nakasuka. Experimental study for μm-class control of relative position and attitude for synthetic aperture telescope using formation flying micro-satellites. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2020. 53. 2. 5701-5708
- Norihide Miyamura, Ryo Suzumoto, Satoshi Ikari, Shinichi Nakasuka. Conceptual Optical Design of a Synthetic Aperture Telescope by Small Satellite Formation Flying for GEO Remote Sensing. TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY FOR AERONAUTICAL AND SPACE SCIENCES, AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY JAPAN. 2020. 18. 3. 101-107
- Jun MATSUSHIMA, Hironori SAHARA, Shogo ASANO, Masahiro KAKU, Toshihiro KANDA, Mayu BANNO, Hirohisa ASANO, Yuya KOBAYASHI, Natsumi KIMURA, Norio YAMASHITA, et al. Development of Binary Black Hole Observation Satellite “ORBIS”. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan. 2019. 17. 4. 477-482
- Norihide MIYAMURA, Nobutada SAKO. Wavefront Correction Using Deformable Mirror for Extended Scene: Experimental Results. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan. 2018. 16. 1. 47-52
- Norihide Miyamura. Laboratory test results for adaptive optics using image-based wavefront sensing for remote sensing. Trans. JSASS Space Tech. Japan. 2012. 10. ists28. Pn_1-Pn_6
- Detection and correction of spectral and spatial misregistrations for hyperspectral data using phase correlation method. Appl. Opt. 2010. 49. 24. 4568-4575
- Detection and correction of spectral and spatial misregistrations for hyperspectral data using phase correlation methodapplied optics. Appl. Opt. 2010. 49. 24. 4568-4575
- Detection and correction of spectral and spatial misregistrations for hyperspectral data using phase correlation methodapplied optics. Appl. Opt. 2010. 49. 24. 4568-4575
- MIYAMURA Norihide. On-Orbit Self-Compensation of Satellite Optics Using Spatial Light Modulator. Trans. JSASS Aerospace Tech. 2010. 8. ists27. Pn_1-Pn_6
- MIYAMURA Norihide. On-Orbit Reconstruction of Satellite Optics with Observed Image. Trans. JSASS Space Tech. Japan. 2009. 7. ists26. Pn_7-Pn_12
- Generalized Phase Diversity Method for Self-Compensation of Wavefront Aberration Using Spatial Light Modulator. Opt. Eng. 2009. 48. 12. 128201_1-128201_8
- Yuichi TSUDA, Nobutada SAKO, Takashi EISHIMA, Takahiro ITO, Yoshihisa ARIKAWA, Norihide MIYAMURA, Akira TANAKA, Shinichi NAKASUKA. University of Tokyo’s CubeSat Project -Mission Concept and Subsystem Design-. The Journal of Space Technology and Science. 2000. 16. 1. 1_37-1_46