J-GLOBAL ID:200901087656292730
更新日: 2024年02月14日 柳尾 朋洋
ヤナオ トモヒロ | Yanao Tomohiro
- Shiori Uda, Mengyun Li, Tomohiro Yanao. Geometric somersaults of helical chains through twist propagation. Artificial Life and Robotics. 2018. 23. 1. 28-33
- Kenta Oshima, Francesco Topputo, Stefano Campagnola, Tomohiro Yanao. Analysis of medium-energy transfers to the Moon. CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY. 2017. 127. 3. 285-300
- Oshima, Kenta, Campagnola, Stefano, Yanao, Tomohiro. Global search for low-thrust transfers to the Moon in the planar circular restricted three-body problem. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 2017. 1-20
- Yanao, Tomohiro, Hino, Taiko. Geometric somersaults of a polymer chain through cyclic twisting motions. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2017. 95. 1
- Kenta Oshima, Tomohiro Yanao. Jumping mechanisms of Trojan asteroids in the planar restricted three- and four-body problems. CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY. 2015. 122. 1. 53-74
- Yurie Oka, Tomohiro Yanao, Wang Sang Koon. Roles of dynamical symmetry breaking in driving oblate-prolate transitions of atomic clusters. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2015. 142. 13
- Tomohiro Yanao, Kenichi Yoshikawa. Chiral symmetry breaking of a double-stranded helical chain through bend-writhe coupling. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2014. 89. 6
- 柳尾 朋洋, 吉川 研一. らせん高分子の動的特性 : 対称性の破れがもたらす特質(シミュレーションの世界). シミュレーション. 2014. 33. 1. 55-58
- Carsten Hartmann, Tomohiro Yanao. The falling cat problem and shape effects in small molecules in a random environment: A case study. Molecular Physics. 2013. 111. 22-23. 3534-3545
- Wang Sang Koon, Houman Owhadi, Molei Tao, Tomohiro Yanao. Control of a model of DNA division via parametric resonance. CHAOS. 2013. 23. 1
- Tomohiro Yanao, Yurie Oka, Wang Sang Koon. Intramolecular energy flow and the mechanisms for dissociation of atomic clusters. Journal of Thermal Science and Technology. 2013. 8. 2. 423-434
- Tomohiro Yanao, Kenichi Yoshikawa. Chiral selection in supercoiling and wrapping of DNA. POLYMER SCIENCE SERIES C. 2012. 54. 1. 11-20
- 柳尾 朋洋. Dynamical Mechanisms for Collective Motions of Nanostructures (Geometric Mechanics). 数理解析研究所講究録. 2010. 1692. 46-56
- T. Yanao, W. S. Koon, J. E. Marsden. A nonequilibrium rate formula for collective motions of complex molecular systems. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings. 2010. 1281. 1597-1600
- T. Yanao. Nonlinear dynamics and geometry of collective motions of complex molecular systems. American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings. 2010. 1281. 1571-1573
- T. Yanao, W. S. Koon, J. E. Marsden. Intramolecular energy transfer and the driving mechanisms for large-amplitude collective motions of clusters. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2009. 130. 144111-20
- T. Yanao, K. Yoshikawa. Elastic origin of chiral selection in DNA wrapping. Physical Review E. 2008. 77. 021904-11
- T. Yanao, W. S. Koon, J. E. Marsden, I. G. Kevrekidis. Collective coordinates and the mechanism for conformational transitions of complex molecules. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2007. 7. 1080503-2
- T. Yanao, W. S. Koon, J. E. Marsden, I. G. Kevrekidis. Gyration-radius dynamics in structural transitions of atomic clusters. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2007. 126. 124102-17
- F Gabern, WS Koon, JE Marsden, SD Ross, T Yanao. Application of tube dynamics to non-statistical reaction processes. FEW-BODY SYSTEMS. 2006. 38. 2-4. 167-172