1994 - 2010 Provenance variation of Abies sahalinensis
論文 (1件):
Teruyoshi Nagamitsu, Tomonori Matsuzaki, Kazutoshi Nagasaka. Provenance variations in stem productivity of 30-year-old Japanese larch trees planted in northern and central Japan are associated with climatic conditions in the provenances. JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH. 2018. 23. 5. 270-278
Results of a Provenance Test of Japanese Lanch Thirty Years After Planting -in a Shimizu Stand and Esashi Stand-. Transactions of the Japanese Forestry Society, 105, pp.437-438 (in Japanese) 1991
Results of a Provenance Test of Japanese Lanch Thirty Years After Planting -in a Shimizu Stand and Esashi Stand-. Transactions of the Japanese Forestry Society, 105, pp.437-438 (in Japanese) 1991