J-GLOBAL ID:200901091104343671
更新日: 2024年09月01日 西村 祐子
ニシムラ ユウコ | Nishimura Yuko
Blended Learningはいかに大学の英語教育をかえるか:コロナ禍時代における反復可能なアクティブラーニングの事例研究
(2020年度 私情協 教育イノベーション大会 2020) -
(ものこぼ春のセミナー(台東区主催) 2017) -
‘From Craftsmen to Workers- the transformation of Leather Workers in the 18-19th century England and France
(University of Northampton special lecture 2014) -
Jews, Muslims, and Chinese- the ‘Other side’ of Leather Workers
(University of Northampton special lecture 2014) -
‘A social history of Japanese tanners in Himeji, Japan
(SLTC conference in Northampton 2014) -
A social history of Japanese tanners in Himeji, Japan
(SLTC special seminar 2013) -
Tannery Workers-artisans, Outcastes, or both? An anthropological study
(Museum of leather special lectures 2013) -
From Witchcraft to Chemistry: A Social History of Tannery Workers
(Museum of Leather special lecture 2013) -
Minorities and Social Change: the US and Japan
(Komazawa university and University of Washington joint workshop via video conference 2007) -
Women and Kinship in Modern Japan
(Madurai Kamaraj University memorial lecture 2007) -
Community Building- a case study of International District in Seattle via video conference
(Komazawa University and Univ. of Washington via video conference 2001) -
テレビ会議とインターネット併用による地域社会への Outreach 戦略
(文部科学省マルチメディア研究会発表論文集 2001) -
Dialogues between Zen Buddhism and Judaism
(Dialogues between zen and Judaism 2000) -
Distance Education via Video Conference System
(joint session between Komazawa University and the University of Hawaii 1998) -
South Asia Today
(Komazawa university and University of Edinburgh joint session 1996)