Sasaki,S, Arai,M, Takai,K, Ogawa.M, Watanabe,H. Communication Scaffolds for Project Management in PBL. Communication Scaffolds for Project Management in PBL, Proc. of The 5th International Conference on Educational Technologies 2017 (ICEduTech2017) Sydney Australia. 2017. 157-160
Watanabe,H, Sasaki,S, Akiko,S, Sakamoto,S. Study on Pass-Fail Prediction for the National Radiological Technologist Examination by Discriminant Analysis Using Mock Examinations. Proc. of The 22th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE2014) Nara Japan. 2014. 303-312
Sasaki,S, Watanabe,H, Takai,K, Furukawa,F. Face to Face Group Discussion Exercise Support System. Proc. of The 21th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE2013) Bali Indonesia. 2013. 216-221
Sasaki,S, Watanabe,H. Practice of Subject Report Revision Process Following Class and Learning Materials Design Method Based on Instructional Design. Proc. of The 20th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE2012) Singapore. 2012. 305-309
Shigeru Sasaki, Masafumi Furuta, Seiichi Tanaka, Marika Kishi, Yui Takifuji. Development of a 3D Stereo Comic Creation Tool and a Display System for the 3D Android Smartphone. The Sixth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies (UBICOMM2012), Barcelona, Spain. 2012. 210-213
Kondo,N, Watanabe,H, Sasaki,S, Imai,Y. Ishii,T, Sato,K, Shiino,S, Iida,M, Ebina,Y, Kumazawa,H. Bringing Regional Heritage Sites into 3D Virtual Environments: Cost-Free Data Workflow and Multi-Fold 3D Exhibitions. Proc. of The 39th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA2011) China. 2012. 159-163
Sasaki,S, Watanabe,H. Development of Class and Learning Materials Design Tool based on Instructional Design. Proc. of The 18th International Conference on Computers in Education(ICCE2010) Malaysia. 2010. 265-269
Takai,K, Watanabe,H, Sasaki,S, Kamata. Design for Object-Oriented Modeling Course Blending Individual and Collaborative Learning Activities. 2009. 376-378
Sasaki,S, Arai,M, Furukawa,F, Watanabe,H. Web-based Learning Material Development with Less Experienced Staffs' Participation. Proc. of International Conference on Computers in Education 2008 (ICCE 2008) Taipei. 2008. 445-449
A Practical Example of On-line Regular Examination using Test Function on Course Management System. The 8th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET2007), Kumamoto, Japan. 2007
Sasaki,S, Watanabe,H. Development of a Discussion Board System Designed for the Group Discussion that Includes Peer-Review Process. Proc. of International Conference on Computers in Education 2006 (ICCE 2006) Beijing. 2006. 261-264