J-GLOBAL ID:200901099019431783
更新日: 2022年07月28日 伊藤 宏見
イトウ ヒロミ | Itou Hiromi
釈霊照律師の菩薩十善戒(付録・釈興然) (現代の戒相) 仏教タイムス社
2004 - -
Bosattu Juzenkai of Shaku Onsho and his diciple Haku Kozen (Bukyo Times Publlisher)
2004 - -
Buddhahood of mind and Physical Structures from the viewpoint of Buddhistic Archaeology. Toyo University Asian Studies, another Volume
2003 - -
佛教考古学より見たる良心観 東洋学研究別冊 33p-52p
2003 - -
Buddhahood of mind and Physical Structures from the viewpoint of Buddhistic Archaeology. Toyo University Asian Studies, another Volume
2003 - -
1995 - -
Pn Newly-discovered Paintings of Kaikho(]E86CC[) Yushyo(]E86CC[)
1995 - -
良寛に学ぶ(1)〜(5) 学文社(東洋学書院)刊 1994発行
1994 - -
1994 - -
On Ryokan (1)-(5) Gakubunsha (Joyogaku shoin)1994
1994 - -
On newly-discovered Works of Suibokuga Style of Middle Ages
1994 - -
1993 - -
On Japanese Pictures of Suibokuga Style
1993 - -
1991 - -
On Some Apects and Features of Pictures of Kano School
1991 - -
良寛の歌と貞心尼「はちすの露」新釈 新人物往来社刊
1989 - -
齋藤茂吉と良寛 新人物往来社刊
1984 - -
貧寒の美 西行・心敬・良寛 角川書店刊
1982 -