J-GLOBAL ID:201001008544915770
更新日: 2024年01月31日 藤井 猛
Fujii Takeshi
(第8回日本不安症学会学術大会) -
(第2回Human High Performanceセミナー) -
Depressive mood modulates anterior lateral CA1 and DG/CA3 during a pattern separation task in healthy subjects: a functional MRI study
(The Fifth International Workshop on Biomedical Imaging) -
(第3回社会神経科学研究会 「社会的行動の決定機構」) -
Development of attentional networks: Voxel-Based Morphometry study
(Neuro2013 2013) -
Depressive mood modulates anterior lateral CA1 during a pattern separation task in healthy individuals: a functional MRI study
(Brain2013: XXVIth International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism and Function 2013) -
The development of attentional network during childhood and adult: an fMRI study.
(19th Annual Meeting of The Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2013) -
Self-Related Representation in Individuals with High-Functioning Autism
(2012 International Meeting for Autism Research 2012) -
Development of attentional networks: Volume-Based Morphometry study
(Neuroscience 2012 2012) -
Social behaviors of autistic disorder are improved by long-term oxytocin administration: A case of 16-year-old girl.
(Neuroscience 2012 2012) -
Development of attentional networks: Volume-Based Morphometry study
(Neuroscience 2012 2012) -
(第33回日本生物学的精神医学会 2011) -
The response inhibition load dependent activity: a functional MRI study
(Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2011 Annual Meeting 2011) -
海馬歯状回におけるパターン分離による活動と主観的な気分との関係:機能的 MRI 研究
(第34回日本神経科学大会 2011) -
(第34回日本神経科学大会 2011) -
Encoding related activity in dentate gyrus is associated with subjective mood: A functional MRI study
(Neuroscience 2011 2011) -
Oxytocin facilitates eye contact in young males with autism spectrum disorders
(Neuroscience 2011 2011) -
Oxytocin effect in young males with autism spectrum disorders: An eye-tracking study
(Exploring Autism Research Collaboration Between Japan and United States Joint Academic Conference on Autism Spectrum Disorders 2011) -
Pattern separation related activity in dentate gyrus is associated with subjective mood: a functional MRI study
(The 34th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society 2011) -
Encoding related activity in dentate gyrus is associated with subjective mood: A functional MRI study
(Neuroscience 2011 2011)