J-GLOBAL ID:201001092555619864
更新日: 2022年12月09日 ギラン, マット A.
ギラン,マット マット | GILLAN, Matthew A.
- 琉球古典音楽における声・身体・節 世礼国男の上吟・下吟理論の意味を探る. 沖縄文化. 2018. 51. 2 (122). 25-43
- Listening to the Voice in Kumiudui: Representations of Social Class and Gender through Speech, Song, and Prosody. Asian Music. 2018. 49. 1. 4-33
- Matt GILLAN. Song Monuments in Okinawa - Intersections of Sound, Place and Memory. Shima - The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures. 2017. 11. 2. 20-37
- Matt GILLAN. Constructing the singing voice: Vocal style, aesthetics and the body in Okinawan music. Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies. 2017. 2. 2. 103-117
- Patrick E. Savage, Hiromi Matsumae, Hiroki Oota, Mark Stoneking, Thomas E. Currie, Atsushi Tajima, Matt Gillan, Steven Brow. How ‘Circumpolar’ is Ainu Music? Musical and Genetic Perspectives on the History of the Japanese Archipelago. Ethnomusicology Forum. 2015. 24. 3. 443-467
- 沖縄音楽は外部からいかに評価されてきたのか. 沖縄芸術の科学. 2014. 26. 54-76
- “Dancing Fingers”: Dancing Fingers - Embodied Lineages in the Performance of Okinawan Classical Music. Ethnomusicology. 2013. 57. 3. 367-395
- GILLAN, Matthew A. Review of An Introduction to Japanese Folk Performing Arts, by Terence A. Lancashire. Social Science Japan Journal. 2012. 15. 2. 307-309
- GILLAN, Matthew A. Theorizing the Okinawan body - Fieldwork on physical gestures in the performance of Okinawan classical music. Humanities - Christianity and Culture. 2012. 43. 43. 109-128
- GILLAN, Matthew A. 沖縄の宝-沖縄音楽における伝統と革新. 沖縄学入門-空腹の作法. 2010. 83-107
- GILLAN, Matthew A. Review of Drumming Out a Message: Eisa and Okinawan Diaspora. Yearbook for Traditional Music. 2009. 41. 259-260
- GILLAN, Matthew A. Review of Traditional Folk Song in Modern Japa. Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music. 2009. 74. 171-173
- GILLAN, Matthew A. Imagining Okinawa - Japanese pop musicians and Okinawan music. Perfect Beat. 2009. 10. 2. 177-195
- GILLAN, Matthew A. 「琉球音楽の旋律における「拡大」と「縮小」:「作田型の歌曲」を中心に」. 音楽学. 2008. 55. 2. 15-29
- GILLAN, Matthew A. 沖縄の三線音楽における「早弾き」について リズムを中心に. Okinawa Geijutsu no Kagaku 20. 2008
- GILLAN, Matthew A. Treasures of the Island People: Tradition and Modernity in Yaeyaman Pop Music. Asian Music. 2008. 39.1. 42-68
- GILLAN, Matthew A. 鹿児島県徳之島の朝花節における「地域性」と「個人性」の考察. 沖縄芸術の科学. 2007. 19. 73-94
- GILLAN, Matthew A. 琉球列島の音楽におけるアゲとサゲ -変形の様式化をめぐって-. 東洋音楽研究. 2007. 72. 1_24