研究キーワード (4件):
, アントレプレナーシップ
, ファミリービジネス
, Family business; entrepreneurship; global business management
論文 (5件):
山口 勝士, 東出 浩教. Absence of Customers’ Voice as the Cause of Limited New Product Development in a Small Long-Standing Family-Owned Craft Business in Japan. 2021. 55-81
山口 勝士, 小園 直美, 東出浩教. What should be passed on to the successor? The case of a long-standing Japanese family-owned small sake brewery. 2015. 147-169
Bunmeido: A Son-in-law’s Successful Succession in Ownership & Management of a Japanese Long- lasting Family Business
(12th Asia Academy of Management 2022)
Japanese Long-standing Businesses and SDGs
Absence of customers’ voice as the cause of limited new product development in a small long-standing family-owned craft business in Japan
(Forum on Succession and Innovation in Small-to-Medium-Sized Enterprises: Observations and Solutions in Asia 2018)
Transforming external networks of family business by next-generation of a small long-standing traditional Japanese craft manufacturer
(2nd STEP Global Academic Conference 2018)
‘Visiobligation’ for empathy in managing long-standing family businesses: Case of Watanabe family, Kawashima family, and Yamamoto family
(Global STEP Summit 2017)
, 国際ビジネス研究学会
, 日本ベンチャー学会
, Transcultural Management Society
, Japan Academy of International Business Studies
, The Japan Academic Society for Ventures and Entrepreneurs
, 経営行動研究学会
, 経営戦略学会
, 日本マネジメント学会
, 日本経営学会
, ファミリービジネス学会
, 日本観光学会